Destruction and Creation

Destruction and Creation

Destruction and Creation was a work written by John R. Boyd which was intentionally never published. Boyd began work on his "learning theory" during posting in Thailand in 1966, but it would be five years before he began to formalize the text.[1] Boyd preferred to leave the text unfinished, always in fluid. Vernon "Sprad" Spradling found it was almost impossible for Boyd to finish the "Aerial Attack Study" and Tom Christie discovered the same with the E-M Theory.

When Ray Leopold became a lecturer at the Air Force Academy he began inviting Boyd out as a guest lecturer where he began by delivering early versions of "Destruction and Creation" to cadets. [2]


September 3, 1976[3]

  1. Boyd : the fighter pilot who changed the art of war by Robert Coram (2004) pg 275
  2. Boyd : the fighter pilot who changed the art of war by Robert Coram (2004) pg 309