List of air forces


This alphabetically arranged list of air forces identifies the current and historical names and roundels for the military aviation arms of countries fielding an air component, whether an independent air forces, a naval aviation, or army aviation units. At the end is a separate list of no longer existent nations that once operated air forces. Country names in italics indicate that they are not generally recognized internationally as independent states but which nonetheless managed to field an active air service. For information on the size of military forces, see list of countries by size of armed forces.



Country Current Service
Indigenous name
Former Established
File:Flag of Afghanistan (2004–2013).svg Afghanistan File:IEA-AF roundel.svg Islamic Emirate Air Force[1]
دافغانستان هوايۍ ځواک

Afghan Air Force

File:Afghan National Army emblem.svg 2010–2021

Afghan Army Air Corps[2]

File:Afghan National Army emblem.svg 2002–2010

Afghan National Army Air Corps[3]

File:Roundel of Afghanistan (1996–2001).svg 1996–2001

Air and Air Defense Force of the Islamic State of Afghanistan[4]

File:Roundel of Afghanistan (1992-1996).svg 1992–1996

former insignia

File:Roundel of the Afghan Air Force (1983-1992).svg 1983–1992

Democratic Republic of Afghanistan Air Force

File:Roundel of Afghanistan (1978-1980).svg 1979-1983

Afghan Republican Air Force
De Afghan Hanoi Quirah

File:Roundel of the Afghan Air Force (1948-1979).svg 1973–1979

Royal Afghan Air Force

File:Roundel of the Afghan Air Force (1948-1979).svg 1948–1973

Afghan Air Force
Afghan Hawa-e Ourdou

File:Roundel of Afghanistan (1937–1947).svg 1937–1947

Afghan Military Air Arm

File:Roundel of Afghanistan Air Force (1924-1929).svg 1924[5]-1929
 Albania File:Roundel of the Albanian Air Force.svg Albanian Air Force 1951

Albanian People's Army Air Force

File:Roundel of the Albanian Air Force 1960-91 Alternate.svg 1951–1990

Royal Albanian Air Corps

File:Transparent.png 1914–1939
Template:Country data Algeria File:Roundel of Algeria.svg Algerian Air Force
Al-quwwa al-jawwiyya al-jazaeriyya, Armée de l'Air Algérienne

former insignia

File:Roundel of Algeria 1962.svg 1962–1964
File:Roundel of Algeria.svg Algerian Navy
File:Roundel of Algeria.svg Algerian Gendarmerie
 Angola File:Roundel of Angola.svg National Air Force of Angola
Força Aérea Nacional de Angola

Angolan People's Air Force And Air Defence Force
Força Aérea Popular de Angolia

File:Roundel of Angola (1980-2011).svg 1975-2007

former insignia

File:Roundel of Angola (1975-1980).svg 1975–1980
Template:Country data Antigua and Barbuda File:Roundel of Antigua and Barbuda.svg Antigua and Barbuda Defence Force Air Wing 2022
 Argentina File:Roundel of Argentina.svg Argentine Air Force
Fuerza Aérea Argentina

Army Aeronautical Service
Servicio Aeronáutico del Ejército

File:Transparent.png 1912–1945
File:Roundel of Argentina Navy.svg Argentine Naval Aviation
Comando de Aviación Naval Argentina

former insignia

File:Roundel of Argentina (Naval Aviation).svg
File:Roundel of Argentina.svg Argentine Army Aviation
Comando de Aviación del Ejército Argentino
File:Prefectura Arg logo.svg Argentine Coast Guard Air Service
Servicio de Aviación de la Prefectura Naval Argentina
File:Roundel of Argentina.svg Argentine Gendarmería
Dirección de Aeronáutica de Gendarmería [1]
Template:Country data Armenia File:Roundel of Armenia.svg Armenian Air Force
Հայաստանի Ռազմաօդային Ուժեր
 Australia File:Roundel of Australia.svg Royal Australian Air Force 1921

former insignia

File:RAF roundel.svg 1945–1956

former insignia

File:RAAF roundel 1943-46.svg 1943-1946

former insignia

File:RAAF Type A Roundel (dull colours).svg 1942–1946

Royal Australian Air Force

File:RAF type A roundel.svg 1921–1942

Australian Air Force

File:RAF type A roundel.svg March–August 1921
File:Roundel of Australia.svg Fleet Air Arm 1947
File:Roundel of Australia - Army Aviation.svg Australian Army Aviation 1968

1st Aviation Regiment (Divisional)

File:Roundel of Australia.svg 1966–1968

No. 16 Army Light Aircraft Squadron

File:Roundel of Australia.svg 1960–1966
Template:Country data Austria File:Roundel of Austria.svg Austrian Air Force
Österreichische Luftstreitkräfte

Austrian Air Force
Österreichische Luftstreitkräfte

File:Roundel of Austria.svg 1928-1938

Imperial and Royal Aviation Troops

File:Austria-Hungary Air force 1914-1916.svg 1893–1918
Template:Country data Azerbaijan File:Roundel of Azerbaijan.svg Azerbaijani Air and Air Defence Force
Azərbaycan hərbi hava qüvvələri


Country Current Service
Indigenous name
Former Established
Template:Country data Bahamas File:Roundel of the Bahamas.svg Royal Bahamas Defence Force Air Wing 1981
 Bahrain File:Roundel of Bahrain.svg Royal Bahraini Air Force 2002

Bahrain Amiri Air Force

File:Roundel of Bahrain.svg 1987-2002

Bahrain Defence Force Air Wing

File:Roundel of Bahrain.svg 1977-1987
File:Transparent.png Public Security Forces aviation
Paramilitary security organization, national police force of Bahrain.
File:Flag of Bangladesh.svg Bangladesh File:Roundel of Bangladesh.svg Bangladesh Air Force
বাংলাদেশ বিমান বাহিনী
Bangladesh Biman Bahini

Operation Kilo Flight

File:Roundel of Bangladesh.svg 1971-1972
File:Roundel of Bangladesh – Naval Aviation.svg Bangladesh Naval Aviation 2011
File:Roundel of Bangladesh.svg Bangladesh Army Aviation Group 1978
File:Transparent.png Bangladesh Border Guards
Bangladesh Army, Ministry of Defence (Bangladesh) wartime only
 Barbados File:Roundel of Barbados (fictional).svg Barbados Defence Force 1981[7]
Template:Country data Belarus File:Roundel of Belarus.svg Belarusian Air Force post 1995

Belarus Air Force

File:Flag of Belarus (1918, 1991-1995).svg 1991–1995
 Belgium File:Roundel of Belgium.svg Belgian Air Component
Luchtcomponent, Composante Air

Belgian Air Force
Belgische Luchtmacht, Force Aerienne Belge

File:Roundel of Belgium.svg 1946-2001

Free Belgian Air Force

File:Roundel of Belgium.svg 1940-1946

Military Aviation
Militair Vliegwezen, Aviation Militaire

File:Roundel of Belgium.svg 1915-1940

Company of Aviators
Compagnie des Ouvries et Aérostiers

File:Transparent.png 1910–1915
File:Roundel of Belgium.svg Belgian Navy 1962–2002
File:Roundel of Belgium.svg Belgian Army 1954–2002
File:Roundel of Belgium.svg Belgian Gendarmerie 1968-2001
 Belize Flag of Belize.svg Belize Defence Force Air Wing 1983
Template:Country data Benin File:Roundel of Benin.svg Benin Air Force
Force Aérienne de Benin

People's Republic of Benin Air Force

File:Roundel of Benin (1975-1990).svg 1975–1990

Dahomey Air Force
Force Aérienne de Dahomey

File:Roundel of Benin.svg 1961-1975
Template:Country data Bhutan File:Transparent.png Royal Bhutan Army 1972
Template:Country data Bolivia File:Roundel of Bolivia.svg Bolivian Air Force
Fuerza Aérea Boliviana

Bolivian Military Aviation Corps
Cuerpo de Aviación

File:Roundel of Bolivia.svg 1923–1944
File:Roundel of Bolivia.svg Bolivian Naval Aviation
File:Roundel of Bolivia.svg Bolivian Army Aviation
Template:Country data Bosnia and Herzegovina File:Coat of arms of Bosnia and Herzegovina.svg
Air Force and Anti-Aircraft Defence of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ваздухопловство и ПВО
Zrakoplovstvo i PZO

Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Air Force
Zračne Snage Armije Federacije BiH

File:Flag of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.svg 1996–2006

Republika Srpska Air Force
Ратно Ваздухопловство и ПВО ВРС
Ratno Vazduhoplovstvo i PVO VRS

File:Roundels of Republika Srpska.svg 1992–2006

Croatian Defence Council aviation

File:Transparent.png 1992–

Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina Air Force
Zračne Snage Armije Republike BiH

File:Roundel of Bosnia and Herzegovina (1992-1998).svg 1992–1996
Template:Country data Botswana File:Roundel of Botswana.svg Botswana Defence Force Air Wing 1977
 Brazil File:Roundel of Brazil.svg Brazilian Air Force
Força Aérea Brasileira (FAB)

Military Aviation Service
Serviço de Aviação Militar (AvM)

File:Roundel of Brazil – Naval Aviation.svg 1918–1941
File:Roundel of Brazil - Naval Aviation.svg Brazilian Naval Aviation
Força Aeronaval
File:Coat of arms of the Brazilian Army.svg Brazilian Army Aviation Command
Comando de Aviação do Exército Brasileiro
File:Brasão Nacional PPMMsvg.svg Brazilian Military Police
Brazilian Army Military reserve force – National and state gendarmerie forces of Brazil.
Template:Country data Brunei File:Royal Brunei Air Force emblem.svg Royal Brunei Air Force
Angkatan Tentera Udara Diraja Brunei

Royal Brunei Armed Forces Air Wing

File:Roundel brunei.svg 1984-1991

Royal Brunei Malay Regiment, Air Wing

File:Roundel brunei.svg 1966-1984
 Bulgaria File:Roundel of Bulgaria.svg Bulgarian Air Force
Български Военновъздушни Сили

Bulgarian People's Army Air Force
Български Военновъздушни Сили

File:Roundel of Bulgaria (1946-1992).svg 1949–1992

Air Army
Въздушни Войски

File:Roundel of Bulgaria (1944-1946).svg 1945–1949

former insignia

File:Roundel of Bulgaria (1941-1944).svg 1941–1944

Royal Bulgarian Air Force[8]

File:Roundel of Bulgaria (1937-1941).svg 1937–1941

Gendarmery Aeroplane Detachment
Zhandarmeriisko Aeroplanno Otdelenie

File:Roundel of Bulgaria 1918.svg 1919-1920

Army Aviation Corps[9]

File:Cross-Pattee-Heraldry.svg 1915–1918

Aeronautical Detachment[10]

File:Transparent.png 1906-1914
File:Roundel of Bulgaria.svg Bulgarian Naval Aviation
Aviatsia Na Bulgarskiya Voennomorski Flot (AnBVMF)

Independent ASW Squadron of the Navy
Otdelna Protivolodachna Eskadrila na VMF (OPLEV-VMF)

File:Roundel of Bulgaria (1946-1992).svg 1959–1990

Bulgarian Naval Aviation

File:Cross-Pattee-Heraldry.svg 1915–1918
Template:Country data Burkina Faso File:Roundel of Burkina Faso.svg Burkina Faso Air Force
Force Aérienne de Burkina Faso

Upper Volta Air Force
Force Aérienne de Haute-Volta

File:Roundel of Burkina Faso (1964–1984).svg 1964–1984
Template:Country data Burundi File:Roundel of Burundi.svg Burundi Army Aviation
Force Armée du Burundi


Country Current Service
Indigenous name
Former Established
Template:Country data Cambodia File:Roundel of Cambodia.svg Royal Cambodian Air Force
Lua error in Module:Unicode_data at line 15: attempt to call field 'length' (a nil value).
Toăp Akas Khémôrôphumĭnt

Cambodian People's Air Force

File:Roundel of Cambodia 1989.svg 1989–1993

former insignia

File:Cambodia Air Force roundel 1989.svg 1989–1993

Kampuchean People's Revolutionary Air Force

File:Roundel of Cambodia 1979.svg 1979-1989[11]

Air Force of the Liberation Army of Kampuchea

File:Roundel of Cambodia 1975.svg 1977–1979[12]

Khmer Air Force

File:Roundel of Cambodia (1970-1975).svg 1970–1975

Royal Khmer Air Force

File:Roundel of Cambodia.svg 1954–1970
File:Transparent.png Royal Gendarmerie of Cambodia aviation
Royal Cambodian Armed Forces
Template:Country data Cameroon File:Roundel of Cameroon.svg Cameroon Air Force
Armée de l'Air du Cameroun
 Canada File:Roundel of Canada.svg Royal Canadian Air Force
Aviation Royale Canadienne

Canadian Forces Air Command (AIRCOM)
Commandement de la Force aérienne du Canada

File:Roundel of Canada.svg 1968-2011

Canadian Air Force

File:RAF type A roundel.svg 1920-1924

Canadian Air Force

File:RAF type A roundel.svg 1918–1920

Royal Flying Corps Canada

File:RAF type A roundel.svg 1917–1919

Canadian Aviation Corps

File:Transparent.png 1914–1915
File:Roundel of Canada (1952–1958) – Navy.svg Royal Canadian Naval Air Service 1918-1919
File:Roundel of the Royal Canadian Air Force (1946-1965).svg Canadian Army 1947–1968
File:Transparent.png Royal Canadian Mounted Police aviation - National police and gendarmerie service of Canada.
Template:Country data Cape Verde File:Flag of Cape Verde.svg Cape Verde Air Force
Força Aérea Caboverdiana
Template:Country data Central African Republic File:Roundel of the Central African Republic.svg Central African Republic Air Force
Force Aérienne Centrafricaine

Central African Empire Air Force

File:Roundel of the Central African Republic.svg 1976–1979

Central African Republic Air Force

File:Roundel of the Central African Republic.svg 1961–1976
Template:Country data Chad File:Roundel of Chad.svg Chadian Air Force
Force Aérienne Tchadienne
 Chile File:Chilean Air Force roundel.svg Chilean Air Force
Fuerza Aérea de Chile (FACh)
File:Chilean Naval Aviation Roundel.svg Chilean Naval Aviation
Servicio de Aviación de la Armada de Chile
File:Chilean Air Force roundel.svg Chilean Army Aviation
Comando de Aviación del Ejército de Chile
File:Roundel of Carabineros de Chile.svg Carabineros de Chile 1960
 China (PRC) File:Roundel of China.svg People's Liberation Army Air Force
Zhongguo Renmin Jiefangjun Kongjun

Red Army of China Air Force

File:Roundel of the People's Republic of China (1947–1949) – Red Army.svg c. 1930[15]
File:Roundel of China.svg People's Liberation Army Naval Air Force
Zhongguo Renmin Jiefangjun Haijun Hangkongbing
File:Roundel of China.svg People's Liberation Army Ground Force Aviation
File:Emblem of PAP Helicopter.svg People's Armed Police aviation - Chinese paramilitary organization, gendarmerie, border guard force. During wartime the PAP would provide support to the People's Liberation Army.

China Marine Surveillance aviation

File:China Marine Surveillance racing stripe.svg -2013
Template:Country data Republic of China File:National Emblem of the Republic of China.svg Republic of China Air Force
Chung-Hua Min-Kuo K'ung-Chün

Nationalist Chinese Air Force (Central Government)[16]

File:Roundel of the Republic of China Air force.svg 1925-1938

Chinese Aviation Ministry

File:Chinese Air Force Roundel 1920-1921.svg 1920-1925?

Chinese Aviation Service

File:Roundel of China (1916–1920).svg 1916?–1919?

Chinese Army Air Arm

File:Transparent.png 1914-1916?

Airplane Corps of the Chinese Army

File:Transparent.png 1913-1914
File:National Emblem of the Republic of China.svg Republic of China Army Aviation and Special Forces Command 1999

Army Paratroops and Special Forces Command

File:Transparent.png 1979-1999

Army Aviation Command[17]

File:Transparent.png 1976-1979
File:National Emblem of the Republic of China.svg Republic of China Naval Aviation Command 1995

Naval Anti-Submarine Group

File:Roundel of the Republic of China Air force.svg 1991-1995

Fleet Helicopter Squadron

File:Transparent.png 1977-1991

Chinese Naval Air Service

File:Transparent.png 1927-1938
File:Taiwan Coast Guard Administration racing stripe.svg Coast Guard Administration (Taiwan), Air Patrol Squadron - Paramilitary coast guard service of Taiwan -2004
 Colombia File:Roundel of Colombia.svg Colombian Aerospace Force 2023

Colombian Air Force
Fuerza Aérea Colombiana

File:Roundel of Colombia (1927-1953).svg 1922-2023
File:Roundel of Colombia - Naval Aviation.svg Colombian Naval Aviation
Aviación Naval
File:Roundel of Colombia.svg Colombian National Army Aviation
Aviación del Ejército
Template:Country data Comoros File:Roundel comores.svg Comoros Military Aviation Command 1976
Template:Country data Congo File:Roundel of the Congolese Air Force.svg Air Force of the Republic of Congo
Force 'Aérienne Congolaise

People’s Republic of Congo Air Force
L'Armée de l'Air du Congo

File:Roundel of Congo 1970.svg 1970–1992

Congolese Air Force

File:Roundel of the Congolese Air Force.svg 1961–1970
Template:Country data Democratic Republic of the Congo File:Congo Air force roundel variant.svg Air Force of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Force Aérienne du Congo

Zaire Air Force

File:Roundel of Zaire Air Force.svg 1971–1997
Template:Country data Costa Rica File:Roundel of the Air Section of the Costa Rica Ministry of Public Security.svg Air Surveillance Service
Servicio de Vigilancia Aérea (SVA) – Fuerza Pública

Air Section of the Costa Rican Civil Guard
Sección Aérea del Guardia Civil

File:Roundel of the Air Section of the Costa Rica Ministry of Public Security.svg 1955-1994

Costa Rican Military Air Force
Fuerza Aérea Militar

File:Roundel of the Costa Rican Military Air Force.svg 1947–1949
Template:Country data Côte d'Ivoire
(Ivory Coast)
File:Roundel of Côte d'Ivoire.svg Côte d'Ivoire Air Force
Force Aérienne de la Côte d'Ivoire
c. 1965
 Croatia File:Roundel of Croatia.svg Croatian Air Force and Air Defense
Hrvatsko ratno zrakoplovstvo i protuzračna obrana

former insignia

File:Coat of arms of Croatia.svg 1991–1994

Air Force of the Independent State of Croatia
Zrakoplovstvo Nezavisne Države Hrvatske

File:Roundel of the Croatian Air Force 1941.svg 1941–1945
File:Flag of Cuba.svg Cuba File:Roundel of Cuba.svg Cuban Revolutionary Air and Air Defense Force[18]
Fuerza Aérea Revolucionaria

Cuban Rebel Air Force[19]
Fuerza Aérea Rebelde

File:Roundel of Cuba (1959-1962).svg 1958

Cuban Army Air Force
Fuerza Aérea del Ejército de Cuba

File:Roundel of Cuba (1955-1959).svg 1952–1958

Cuban Army Air Corps
Cuerpo Aéreo del Ejército de Cuba

File:Roundel of the Cuban Air Force 1928-1955 and 1962-today.svg 1915–1952
File:Roundel of Cuba - Naval Aviation.svg Cuban Naval Aviation[20]
Aviación Naval
Template:Country data Cyprus File:Roundel of Greece.svg Air Command of Cyprus
Διοίκηση Αεροπορίας Κύπρου

Cyprus National Guard Air Wing

File:Flag of Cyprus.svg 1973–1996
 Czech Republic File:Roundel of the Czech Republic.svg Czech Air Force
Vzdušné síly armády České republiky

Czechoslovak Air Force
Československé letectvo

File:Roundel of the Czech Republic.svg 1926–1993

File:Roundel of Czechoslovakia (port side).svg 1921–1926

File:Roundel of Czechoslovakia 1918-1920.svg 1918–1921


Country Current Service
Indigenous name
Former Established
 Denmark File:Roundel of Denmark.svg Royal Danish Air Force

Danish Navy Air Squadron[21]
Søværnets Helikoptertjeneste

File:Roundel of Denmark.svg 2003-2010

Royal Danish Army Flying Service[22]
Hærens Flyvetjeneste (HFT)

File:Roundel of Denmark.svg 1971-2003

Royal Danish Navy Flying Service
Søværnets Flyvetjeneste (SVF)

File:Roundel of Denmark.svg 1962–2003

Danish Brigade in Sweden

File:Roundel of the Danish Brigade in Sweden (1945).svg 1943-1945

Royal Danish Army Air Corps
Hærens Flyvertropper

File:Roundel of Denmark.svg 1912–1950

Royal Danish Naval Aviation
Marinens Flyvevæsen

File:Roundel of Denmark.svg 1911–1950
File:Transparent.png Air Force Home Guard
Home Guard (Denmark), Danish Defence
(formerly the French Territory of Afars and Issas)
File:Roundel of Djibouti.svg Djibouti Air Force
Force Aérienne du Djibouti
File:Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg Dominican Republic File:Roundel of the Dominican Republic.svg Dominican Air Force
Fuerza Aérea Dominicana (FAD)

Dominican Military Aviation
Aviación Militar Dominicana (AMD)

File:Roundel of the Dominican Republic.svg 1957–1962

Dominican Air Force
Fuerza Aérea Dominicana (FAD)

File:Roundel of the Dominican Republic.svg 1955–1957

Dominican Military Aviation
Aviación Militar Dominicana (AMD)

File:Roundel of the Dominican Republic.svg 1952–1955

Dominican Air Force
Fuerza Aérea Dominicana (FAD)

File:Roundel of the Dominican Republic.svg 1950–1952

Dominican Military Aviation Corps (DMAC)
El Cuerpo de Aviación Militar Dominicana (CAMD/AMD)

File:Roundel of the Dominican Republic.svg 1948-1950
File:Roundel of the Dominican Republic.svg Air Cavalry Squadron
Escuadrón de Caballería Aérea (EdCA)

Air Transport Cavalry Brigade
Brigada de Caballería Aerotransportada

File:Roundel of the Dominican Republic.svg 2001–2002

Aviation Company of the National Army
Compañía de Aviación del Ejército Nacional

File:Roundel of the Dominican Republic.svg 1942–1948[23]

Dominican Army Aviation Company
Compañía de Aviación del Ejército Dominicano

File:Transparent.png 1939-1942

Aviation Detachment of the National Army
Destacamento de Aviación del Ejército Nacional

File:Transparent.png 1936–1939

National Air Transport Company, Aviation Arm
Compañía Nacional de Transporte Aérea, Arma de Aviación

File:Transparent.png 1934–1935

Aviation Company
Compañía de Aviación

File:Transparent.png 1933-1934

Aviation Arm of the National Army
Arma de Aviación del Ejército Nacional

File:Transparent.png 1932–1933
File:Roundel of the Dominican Republic.svg Dominican Republic Naval Aviation Corps
Cuerpo de Aviación Naval Dominicana

Coastguard Search and Rescue Squadron
Escuadrón de Vigilancia y Rescate de Guardacostas

File:Roundel of the Dominican Republic.svg 1951-1952[24]


Country Current Service
Indigenous name
Former Established
Template:Country data East Timor File:Transparent.png Timor Leste Defence Force Air Component 2020
 Ecuador File:Roundel of Ecuador.svg Ecuadorian Air Force
Fuerza Aérea Ecuatoriana
File:Roundel of Ecuador - Naval Aviation.svg Ecuadorian Naval Aviation
Aviación Naval Ecuatoriana
File:Roundel of Ecuador.svg Ecuadorian Army Aviation
Aviación del Ejército Ecuatoriano
 Egypt File:Roundel of Egypt.svg Egyptian Air Force
Al Quwwat Al Jawwiya Il Misriya

United Arab Republic Air Force

File:Roundel of Syria.svg 1958–1961[25]

former insignia

File:Royal Egyptian Air Force roundel.svg 1952-1958

Royal Egyptian Air Force

File:Royal Egyptian Air Force roundel (1939-1945).svg 1937–1952

Egyptian Army Air Force

File:Royal Egyptian Air Force roundel (1932).svg 1932–1937

former insignia

File:Roundel of Egypt (1932).svg 1932
Template:Country data El Salvador File:Roundel of El Salvador.svg Air Force of El Salvador
Fuerza Aérea Salvadoreña
Template:Country data Equatorial Guinea File:Roundel of Equatorial Guinea.svg Equatorial Guinea Air Corps 1979
 Eritrea File:Roundel of Eritrea.svg Eritrean Air Force 1994
 Estonia File:Roundel of Estonia.svg Estonian Air Force
Eesti Õhuvägi

Aviation Regiment

File:Roundel of the Estonian Air Force 1920.svg 1920?–1940

Aviation Company

File:Transparent.png 1918–1920?
File:Estonian Border Guard Aviation Corps logo.png National Border Guard Aviation Group
Estonian Border Guard
Template:Country data Eswatini
(formerly Swaziland)
File:Flag of Eswatini.svg Military of Eswatini Air Wing 1979

Umbutfo Swaziland Defence Force Air Wing

File:Flag of Eswatini.svg 1979-2018
Template:Country data Ethiopia File:New roundel of Ethiopia.svg Ethiopian Air Force
Ye Ithopya Ayer Hayl

former air force insignia

File:Roundel of Ethiopia.svg 1996-2009?

Ethiopian Air Force

File:Roundel of Ethiopia (1985-1996).svg 1975 (re-established in 1995)

Ethiopian Air Force

File:Roundel of Ethiopia (1974-1985).svg 1975 (disestablished in 1991)

Imperial Ethiopian Air Force

File:Roundel of Ethiopia (1946-1974).svg 1946–1975

Imperial Ethiopian Aviation

File:Transparent.png 1929-1935
File:Transparent.png Ethiopian Navy aviation 1955–1996
File:Transparent.png Ethiopian Ground Forces Aviation 1970s


Country Current Service
Indigenous name
Former Established
Template:Country data Fiji File:Flag of Fiji.svg Air Wing of the Republic of Fiji Military Forces 1987–1997
 Finland File:Roundel of Finland.svg Finnish Air Force
Suomen ilmavoimat
Finländska flygvapnet

former insignia

File:Finnish air force roundel 1934-1945 border.svg 1918-1945

Roundel variant on some aircraft

File:Finnish air force roundel 1934 low visibility.svg 1943–45

Army Corps of Aviation

File:Finnish air force roundel 1918.svg 1918–1928
File:Roundel of Finland.svg Finnish Army Aviation
Suomen maavoimat – Helikopteripataljoona
Finländska armén – Helikopterbataljonen
File:Rajavartiolaitoksen logo.svg Finnish Border Guards
Finnish Defence Forces wartime only
 France File:Roundel of France.svg French Air and Space Force
Armée de l'Air et de l’Espace

French Air Force
Armée de l'Air

File:Roundel of France.svg 1933–2020

Free French Air Force[27][28]
Forces Aériennes Françaises Libres

File:Free French Air Forces Roundel svg.svg 1940–1945

Vichy French Air Force
Armée de l'air de l'armistice

File:Roundel of the French Air Force before 1945.svg 1940–1942

French Air Force
Armée de l'Air

File:Roundel of the French Air Force before 1945.svg 1933-1940

French Army Aviation
Aéronautique militaire

File:Roundel of the French Air Force before 1945.svg 1909–1933
File:Roundel of the French Fleet Air Arm.svg French Naval Aviation
Aéronautique navale

Free French Naval Air Service
Aéronavale Francaise Libre

File:Free French Air Forces Roundel.svg 1940–1945

French Naval Air Arm

File:Roundel of the French Fleet Air Arm before 1945.svg 1912–1940
File:Roundel of France.svg French Army Light Aviation
Aviation Légère de l'Armée de Terre

French Aerostatic Corps
French Revolutionary Army

File:Transparent.png 1794-1799
File:Roundel of France.svg National Gendarmerie aviation 1943


Country Current Service
Indigenous name
Former Established
Template:Country data Gabon File:Roundel of Gabon.svg Gabonese Air Force
Armée de l'Air Gabonaise
Template:Country data Gambia
(formerly part of the Senegambia Confederation)
File:Flag of The Gambia.svg Gambian Air Force[29] c.2003?[30]
Template:Country data Georgia File:Roundel of Georgia.svg The Aviation and Air Defence Command of the Defence Forces
თავდაცვის ძალების ავიაციისა და საჰაერო თავდაცვის სარდლობა
tavdatsvis dzalebis aviatsiisa da sahaero tavdatsvis sardloba

Georgian Air Force
საქართველოს სამხედრო-საჰაერო ძალები
sak’art’velos samxedro-sahaero dzalebi

File:Roundel of Georgia.svg 1991-2010

Democratic Republic of Georgia People's Guard air detachment

File:Transparent.png 1917–1920
 Germany File:Roundel of the German Air Force (with Border).svg German Air Force

Air Forces of the National People's Army
Luftstreitkräfte der Nationalen Volksarmee der DDR

File:Emblem of aircraft of NVA (East Germany).svg 1956–1990

Volkspolizei-Luft (of the German Democratic Republic / East Germany)

File:Emblem of aircraft NVA (East Germany) before 1959.svg 1950–1956

German Air Force

File:Balkenkreuz.svg 1935-1945

Lipetsk fighter-pilot school

File:Transparent.png 1926-1933


File:Cross-Pattee-Heraldry.svg 1912–1919

Die Marinefliegerabteilung des deutschen Kaiserreiches

File:Cross-Pattee-alternate3.svg 1911–1919

Imperial German Army Air Service
Luftstreitkräfte (Die Fliegertruppen des deutschen Kaiserreiches)

File:Greek cross.svg 1910–1919

former insignia

File:Roundel of Germany 1913-1914.svg 1913–1914


File:Cross-Pattee-Heraldry.svg 1909–1917
File:Roundel of the German Air Force (with Border).svg German Naval Aviation

East German Navy, Naval Air Force

File:Emblem of aircraft of NVA (East Germany).svg –1990

Imperial German Naval Air Service

File:Cross-Pattee-Heraldry.svg –1918
File:Roundel of the German Air Force (with Border).svg German Army Aviation Corps
File:Transparent.png Federal Border Guards

Border Troops of the German Democratic Republic

File:Emblem of the Border Troops of East Germany.svg -1990
Template:Country data Ghana
(formerly the Gold Coast)
File:Roundel of Ghana.svg Ghana Air Force 1959

former insignia

File:Roundel of Ghana (1964–1966).svg 1964-1966
 Greece File:Roundel of Greece.svg Hellenic Air Force
Πολεμική Αεροπορία (literally "War Aviation")
Polemikì Aeroporia

Greek Air Force in the Middle East

File:Roundel of Greece.svg 1941-1946

Royal Hellenic Air Force

File:Roundel of Greece.svg 1935-1973

Hellenic Army Air Service

File:Transparent.png 1912-1930

Hellenic Naval Air Service

File:Roundel of Greece.svg 1915–1930
File:Roundel of Greece.svg Hellenic Army Aviation
Αεροπορία Στρατού
Aeroporia Stratou
File:Roundel of Greece.svg Navy Aviation Command 2018

Hellenic Navy Helicopter Command
Διοίκηση Ελικοπτέρων Ναυτικού
Dioikisi Elikopteron Naftikou

File:Roundel of Greece.svg 1975-2018
File:Hellenic Coast Guard racing stripe.svg Hellenic Coast Guard aviation - Paramilitary coast guard service of Greece.
File:Flag of Guatemala.svg Guatemala File:Guatemalan Air Force roundel.svg Guatemalan Air Force
Fuerza Aérea Guatemalteca (FAG)

Military Aeronautical Corps
Cuerpo de Aeronáutica Militar (CAM)

File:Roundel of Guatemala (1939-1947).svg 1935–1948

Guatemalan Military Aviation Corps
Cuerpo de Aviación Militar de Guatemala (CAM)

File:Transparent.png 1929–1935

Guatemalan Air Force
Fuerza Aérea Guatemalteca (FAG)

File:Transparent.png 1921–1929

Army Aviation Corps
Cuerpo de Aviación de Ejército

File:Transparent.png 1914–1921
Template:Country data Guinea File:Roundel of Guinea.svg Guinea Air Force
Force Aérienne de Guinée
Template:Country data Guinea-Bissau
(formerly Portuguese Guinea)
File:Roundel of Guinea-Bissau.svg Guinea-Bissau Air Force
Força Aérea da Guiné-Bissau
Template:Country data Guyana
(formerly British Guyana)
File:Transparent.png Guyana Defence Force Air Command 1973

Guyana Defence Force Air Wing

File:Transparent.png 1968-1973


Country Current Service
Indigenous name
Former Established
Template:Country data Haiti File:Roundel of Haiti Air force 1989.svg Haiti Air Corps
Corps d'Aviation d'Garde d'Haiti
1942–1994 (2013 re-establishment)

former insignia

File:Roundel of Haiti Air Force 1964–1986.svg 1964–1986

former insignia

File:Roundel of Haiti (1942–1964).svg 1942–1964
Template:Country data Honduras File:Honduran Air Force insignia.svg Honduran Air Force
Fuerza Aérea Hondureña

Air Force and Military Aviation School
Fuerza Aérea y Escuela Militar de Aviación (FAEAM)

File:Roundel of Honduras (1938–1974).svg 1938-1954

Aviation Military School
Escuela Militar de Aviación (EMA)

File:Transparent.png 1931–1938

National Aviation School
Escuela Nacional de Aviación (ENA)

File:Transparent.png 1924–1931
 Hungary File:Roundel of Hungary.svg Hungarian Air Force
Magyar Légierő

former insignia

File:Roundel of Hungary (1990-1991).svg 1990-1991

Air Force of the Hungarian People's Army
Magyar Néphadsereg légiereje

File:Roundel of Hungary (1951-1990).svg 1951–1990

former insignia

File:Roundel of Hungary (1949-1951).svg 1949-1951

former insignia

File:Roundel of Hungary (1948–1949).svg 1948-1949

Royal Hungarian National Defense Air Force
Magyar Királyi Honvéd Légierő

File:Roundel of Hungary (1942–1945).svg 1941–1945

former insignia

File:Roundel of Hungary.svg 1938-1941

Red Hungarian Air Corps
Vörös Légjárócsapat

File:First Roundel of the Hungarian Red Air Force (1919).svg 1919

Insignia variant

File:Roundel of the Hungarian Red Air Corps (second variant) border.svg

Insignia variant

File:Roundel of the Hungarian Red Air Corps (third variant).svg


For Ivory Coast, see Côte d'Ivoire above.

Country Current Service
Indigenous name
Former Established
 Iceland File:Icelandic Coast Guard racing stripe.svg Icelandic Coast Guard Aeronautical Division
Landhelgisgæsla Íslands – Flugdeild

Icelandic aircraft insignia

File:Flag of Iceland (state).svg
 India File:Roundel of India.svg Indian Air Force 1932

Royal Indian Air Force

File:Ashoka Chakra.svg 1947–1950

former insignia

File:RAF Far East Command roundel.svg 1942–1945

Indian Air Force

File:RAF roundel.svg 1932–1942
File:Roundel of India.svg Army Aviation Corps 1986
File:Roundel of India.svg Indian Naval Air Arm 1948
File:Indian Coast Guard racing stripe.svg Indian Coast Guard Air Wing 1978

Indian Coast Guard aircraft insignia

File:Indian Coast Guard Logo.svg
File:Transparent.png Border Security Force aviation
Paramilitary forces of India
 Indonesia File:Roundel of Indonesia.svg Indonesian Air Force
Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Udara (TNI-AU)

Republic of Indonesia Air Force
Angkatan Udara Republik Indonesia (AURI)

File:Roundel of Indonesia.svg 1946–1974

Republic of Indonesia Air Force
Angkatan Udara Republik Indonesia (AURI)

File:Roundel of Indonesia (1946–1949).svg 1946–1949
File:Roundel of Indonesia - Naval Aviation.svg Indonesian Naval Aviation
Dinas Penerbangan TNI Angkatan Laut (TNI-AL)

Indonesian Naval Aviation Service
Dinas Penerbangan Angkatan Laut RI (ALRI)

File:Transparent.png 1956–1974
File:Roundel of Indonesia - Army Aviation.svg Indonesian Army Aviation Command
Pusat Penerbangan TNI Angkatan Darat (TNI-AD)

Indonesian Army Aviation Service
Dinas Penerbangan Angkatan Darat RI (DINAS PENERBAD)

File:Transparent.png 1959–1974
(formerly Persia)
File:Roundel of Iran.svg Air Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps

IRGC Ground Forces Aviation

File:Roundel of Iran.svg Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force
Lua error in Module:Unicode_data at line 15: attempt to call field 'length' (a nil value).

Imperial Iranian Air Force
Lua error in Module:Unicode_data at line 15: attempt to call field 'length' (a nil value).

File:Roundel of Iran.svg 1932–1979

Air Officer of the Imperial Iranian Army

File:Roundel of Iran.svg 1922-1932
File:Roundel of Iran.svg Islamic Republic of Iran Army Aviation 1979

Imperial Iranian Army Aviation

File:Roundel of Iran.svg 1962–1979
File:Roundel of Iran.svg Islamic Republic of Iran Navy Aviation 1979

Imperial Iranian Navy Aviation

File:Roundel of Iran.svg –1979
 Iraq File:Roundel of Iraq.svg Iraqi Air Force
Al Quwwa al-Jawwiya al-Iraqiya

former insignia

File:Iraqi Air Force roundel 2011.svg 2011-2019

Iraqi Air Force
Al Quwwa al-Jawwiya al-Iraqiya

File:Roundel of Iraq.svg 1958-2003; 2019-

Royal Iraqi Air Force

File:Roundel of Iraq.svg 1931–1958
Flag of Iraq.svg Iraqi Army Aviation Command 1980
Template:Country data Ireland File:Roundel of Ireland.svg Irish Air Corps
Aer-Chór na h-Éireann

former insignia

File:Roundel of Ireland (1939-1954).svg 1939–1954

Irish National Army, Air Service

File:Roundel of Ireland (1922-1923).svg 1922–1924
 Israel File:Roundel of Israel.svg Israeli Defence Force / Air Force
חיל האוויר
Heyl Ha'Avir

Israeli Air Force
Chel Ha'Avir

File:IAF roundel (early variant).svg 1948-1951

Sherut Avir
Air Service

File:IAF roundel (early variant).svg 1947-1948

Air Companies

File:Transparent.png 1943-1947
Template:Country data Palestine

Force 14

File:Transparent.png late 1960s-early 2000s
 Italy File:Roundel of Italy – Low Visibility – Type 1.svg Italian Air Force
Aeronautica Militare

former insignia

File:Roundel of the Italian Air Force.svg 1946–1991

Italian Co-Belligerent Air Force
Aviazione Cobelligerante and Aeronautica Militare Italiana

File:Roundel of the Italian Air Force.svg 1943–1964

Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana  File:ASDF.svg[32]

File:Aviazione Nazionale Repubblicana Air Force roundel.svg 1943–1945

Royal Italian Air Force
Regia Aeronautica File:CoA of the Regia Aeronautica.svg File:Roundel of Italy (1922–1940).svg[33]

File:Italy-Royal-Airforce.svg 1935–1943

Royal Italian Air Force
Regia Aeronautica File:CoA House of Savoy crowned.svg[34]

File:Roundel of the Italian Air Force.svg 1923–1935

Royal Naval Aviation
Aviazione della Regia Marina

File:Roundel of the Italian Air Force.svg 1912–1923

Military Air Corps File:RA-emblem.png[35]
Corpo Aeronautico Militare

File:Roundel of Italy (1915-1922).svg 1915-1923

Colonial Aviation Service
Servizio d'Aviazone Coloniale

File:Roundel of the Italian Air force spring 1915.svg 1912-1915

Military Aviation Service

File:Roundel of the Italian Air force spring 1915.svg 1912-1915

Aviation Battalion
Battaglione Aviatori

File:Transparent.png 1912

Royal Army Air Service
Servizio Aeronautico

File:Transparent.png 1884[36]–1911
File:Roundel of Italy – Low Visibility – Type 1.svg Italian Navy Aviation
Aviazione Navale

naval aviation insignia

File:Roundel of Italy (Naval Aviation).svg

Italian aircraft insignia

File:Roundel of the Italian Air Force.svg
File:Roundel of Italy – Low Visibility – Type 1.svg Italian Army Aviation
Air Cavalry, Cavalleria dell'Aria

Aviazione Leggera dell'Esercito

File:Roundel of the Italian Air Force.svg 1951-2000
File:Roundel of the Italian Air Force.svg Helicopter Service of the Carabinieri Corps
Nucleo Elicotteri Carabinieri
File:Guardia Costiera.svg Italian Coast Guard Air Service
Italian Navy
File:Roundel of the Italian Air Force.svg Guardia di Finanza
Finance Guard - Paramilitary border guard and customs service of Italy.


Country Current Service
Indigenous name
Former Established
Template:Country data Jamaica File:Roundel of Jamaica.svg Jamaica Defence Force 1963
 Japan File:Roundel of Japan.svg Japan Air Self-Defense Force[37]
航空自衛隊 Kōkū Jieitai

Imperial Japanese Army Air Force
大日本帝国陸軍航空隊 Dai-Nippon Teikoku Rikugun Kōkū tai

File:Roundel of Japan.svg 1912–1945

Imperial Japanese Naval Air Service[38]
大日本帝国海軍航空隊 Dai-Nippon Teikoku Kaigun Kōkū tai

File:Roundel of Japan.svg 1912–1945
File:Roundel of Japan.svg Fleet Air Force (JMSDF)
海上自衛隊 Kaijō Jieitai
File:Roundel of Japan.svg Japan Ground Self-Defense Force
陸上自衛隊 Rikujō Jieitai
File:Japan Coast Guard racing stripe.svg Japan Coast Guard - Paramilitary coast guard service of Japan.
(formerly Transjordan)
File:Roundel of Jordan.svg Royal Jordanian Air Force
Al Quwwat al-Jawwiya Almalakiya al-Urduniya

Arab Legion Air Force

File:Roundel of Jordan.svg 1949–1955


Country Current Service
Indigenous name
Former Established
Template:Country data Kazakhstan File:Roundel of Kazakhstan.svg Kazakh Air Defense Forces
Áue qurǵanysy kúshteri / Әуе қорғанысы күштері
Template:Country data Kenya File:Roundel of Kenya.svg Kenya Air Force
Jeshi la Anga la Kenya

The Kenya '82 Air Force

File:Roundel of Kenya.svg 1982-1994
File:Transparent.png Kenya Army Aviation
Template:Country data North Korea File:Roundel of North Korea.svg Korean People's Army Air and Anti-Air Force[39] 1945
 Korea (ROK/“South Korea”) File:Roundel of South Korea.svg Republic of Korea Air Force[40]
Lua error in Module:Unicode_data at line 15: attempt to call field 'length' (a nil value). (Lua error in Module:Unicode_data at line 15: attempt to call field 'length' (a nil value).)
Daehan Minguk Gonggun

former insignia

File:ROKAF Roundel 1950s-2000s.svg 1951–2000

Willows Korean Aviation School

File:Transparent.png 1920-1921
File:Roundel of South Korea - Naval Aviation variant.svg Republic of Korea Navy, Air Wing Six 1986

Fleet Aviation Unit

File:ROKAF Roundel 1950s-2000s.svg 1977–1986
File:ROKAF Roundel 1950s-2000s.svg Republic of Korea Army aviation 1965
File:Korea Coast Guard racing stripe.svg Korea Coast Guard - Paramilitary coast guard service of South Korea.
 Kuwait File:Roundel of Kuwait.svg Kuwait Air Force
Al-Quwwat al-Jawwiya al-Kuwaitiya

Free Kuwait Air Force

File:Roundel of Kuwait.svg 1990-1991

Kuwait Air Force

File:Roundel of Kuwait.svg 1960-1990

Directorate of Public Security, Air Wing

File:Transparent.png 1954-1960
Template:Country data Kyrgyzstan File:Roundel of Kyrgyzstan.svg Kyrgyz Air Force 1992


Country Current Service
Indigenous name
Former Established
Template:Country data Laos File:Roundel of Laos.svg Lao People's Liberation Army Air Force[41] 1975

former insignia

File:Flag of Laos.svg 1975–

Royal Lao Air Force
Aviation Royale Laotienne[42][43]

File:Roundel of Royal Lao Air Force.svg 1960–1975

Laotian Aviation
Aviation Laotienne

File:Roundel of Royal Lao Air Force.svg 1955-1960
 Latvia File:Roundel of Latvia.svg Latvian Air Force
Latvijas Gaisa Spēki

Latvian Air Force
Latvijas Gaisa Spēki

File:Roundel of the Latvian Air Force until 1940 border.svg 1919–1940
File:Roundel of Latvia - National Guard.svg Aviation component of the Latvian National Guard 1993–2000

Aviation Regiment of the Aizsargi

File:Roundel of Latvia - National Guard (1926-1940).svg 1937-1940
File:Transparent.png State Border Guard aviation - Armed border guard service of Latvia.
Template:Country data Lebanon File:Roundel of Lebanon.svg Lebanese Air Force
Al Quwwat al-Jawwiya al-Lubnania, Force Aérienne Libanaise
Template:Country data Lesotho
(formerly Basutoland)
File:LesothoAir Force roundel.svg Lesotho Defence Force – Air Squadron c. 1988

former insignia

File:Lesotho-roundel.svg 1987–2006

Lesotho Police Mobile Unit – Air Wing

File:Transparent.png 1978-1988
 Liberia File:Liberian Air force roundel.svg Liberian Army Air Wing 1987

Liberian Army Air Reconnaissance Unit

File:Liberian Air Force Roundel.svg 1970s–1980s
Template:Country data Libya File:Roundel of Libya.svg Libyan Air Force
القوة الجوية الليبية
Al-quwwa al-jawwiyya al-libyya
2011–current date

Free Libyan Air Force
Al Quwwat al Jawwiya al Libiyya al Hurra[citation needed]

File:Free Libyan Airforce Roudel.svg 2011

Air Force of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

File:Roundel of Libya (1977–2011).svg 1977-2011

Libyan Arab Republic Air Force

File:Roundel of Libya (1969-1977).svg 1969–1977

Royal Libyan Air Force
Al Quwwat al Jawwiya al Malakiya al Libiyya

File:Roundel of Libya (1962–1969).svg 1951–1969
 Lithuania File:Lithuanian Air Force Roundel 1995.svg Lithuanian Air Force
Karinės Oro Pajėgos
1922–1940, 1992

Lithuanian Military Aviation

File:Roundel of Lithuania (1920–1921).svg 1920–1921

former insignia

File:Lithuanian Air Force Roundel 1919-1920.svg 1919–1920
File:Roundel of Lithuania.svg Lithuanian National Defence Volunteer Forces, Aviation Unit 1992
File:Roundel of Lithuania.svg Lithuanian State Border Guard Service aviation
Lithuanian Armed Forces wartime only
 Luxembourg File:Roundel of Luxembourg.svg Luxembourg Army Aviation 1952–1968


Country Current Service
Indigenous name
Former Established
 North Macedonia File:Roundel of North Macedonia.svg Air Force of North Macedonia
Военно Воздухопловство и Противвоздушна Одбрана
Voeno Vozduhoplovstvo i Protivvozdushna Odbrana

former insignia

File:Roundel of North Macedonia (fictional).svg early 1990s
Template:Country data Madagascar
(formerly the Malagasy Republic)
File:Roundel of Madagascar.svg Malagasy Air Force
Tafika Anabakabaka Malagasy
Armée de l'Air Malgache
Template:Country data Malawi
(formerly Nyasaland)
File:Roundel of Malawi.svg Malawi Army Air Wing 1976

former aircraft insignia

File:Roundel of Malawi (2010–2012).svg 2010-2012

Malawi Young Pioneers Air Arm[44]

File:Roundel of Malawi (1970–1978).svg 1970–1978
(formerly Malaya)
File:Roundel of Malaysia.svg Royal Malaysian Air Force
Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia

insignia variant

File:Roundel of the Royal Malaysian Air Force variant 02.svg

Royal Malayan Air Force
Tentera Udara Diraja Persekutuan

File:Transparent.png 1958–1963

Malayan Auxiliary Air Force

File:Transparent.png 1950–1958

Malayan Volunteer Air Force

File:Transparent.png 1940–1950

Straits Settlement Volunteer Air Force

File:RAF roundel.svg
File:IMG Malaysia navy roundel.svg Royal Malaysian Navy Aviation 1988
File:Roundel of Malaysia – Army Aviation.svg Malaysian Army Aviation
Pasukan Udara Tentera Darat
File:Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency Racing Stripe.svg Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency - Paramilitary coast guard service of Malaysia.
Template:Country data Maldives File:Roundel of the Maldives.svg Coast Guard Aviation Squadron
Maldives National Defence Force
Template:Country data Mali File:IMG Mali Roundel.svg Malian Air Force
Force Aérienne de la Republique du Mali
Template:Country data Malta File:Roundel of Malta.svg Air Wing of the Armed Forces of Malta
Skwadra tal-Ajru tal-Forzi Armati ta' Malta

former insignia

File:Roundel of Malta (1980–1988).svg 1980–1988
Template:Country data Mauritania File:Roundel of Mauritania.svg Mauritania Islamic Air Force
Force Aérienne de la Republique Islamique de Mauritanie

former aircraft insignia

File:Roundel of Mauritania (1960–2019).svg 1960-2019
Template:Country data Mauritius File:Roundel of Mauritius.svg Military of Mauritius 1987
 Mexico File:Mexican Air Force roundel.svg Mexican Air Force
Fuerza Aérea Mexicana
File:Roundel of Mexico - Naval Aviation.svg Mexican Naval Aviation
Fuerza Aeronaval
File:MarcaBuquesSEMAR.svg Maritime Search and Rescue (Mexico)
Mexican Navy
File:Transparent.png National Guard (Mexico) aviation - national gendarmerie force of Mexico.

Federal Police (Mexico) aviation - Defunct National police and gendarmerie service of Mexico.

File:Mexico Federal Police Shield.png -2009
Template:Country data Moldova File:Roundel of Moldova.svg Moldovan Air Force[46] 1991
Template:Country data Mongolia File:Soyombo yellow.svg Mongolian Air Force[47]
Агаарын Довтолгооноос Хамгаалах Цэргийн Командлал

Mongolian People's Army Air Force
Монголын Ардын Армийн Нисэх Хүчин

File:Roundel of Mongolia (1949-1992).svg 1925–1992
 Montenegro File:Roundel of Montenegro.svg Montenegrin Air Force
Vazdušne snage Crne Gore

former insignia

File:Roundel of Montenegro (2006-2018).svg 2006-2018
 Morocco File:Roundel of Morocco.svg Royal Moroccan Air Forceⴰⴷⵡⴰⵙ ⴰⴳⴻⵍⴷⴰⵏ ⴰⵎⴻⵔⵔⵓⴽⴰⵏ ⵓⵊⴻⵏⵏⴰ
القوة الجوية الملكية المغربية
Al-quwwa al-jawwiya al-malikiyya al-maghribiyya
(Force Aérienne Royale Marocaine)

Sherifan Royal Aviation
Aviation Royale Chérifienne

File:Transparent.png 1956–1961
File:Roundel of Morocco - Naval Aviation.svg Royal Moroccan Navy, Aviation
File:Transparent.png Royal Moroccan Gendarmerie 1962
Template:Country data Mozambique File:Roundel of Mozambique.svg Mozambique Air Force
Força Aérea de Moçambique

People's Liberation Air Force of Mozambique
Força Populare Aérea de Libertação de Moçambique

File:Roundel of Mozambique (1975–2011).svg 1975–c.1976/77?
File:Flag of Myanmar.svg Myanmar
(formerly Burma)
File:Roundel of Myanmar.svg Myanmar Air Force
Tatmdaw Lei

Burmese Air Force

File:Roundel of Myanmar.svg 1947-1989


Country Current Service
Indigenous name
Former Established
Template:Country data Namibia
(formerly South West Africa)
File:Flag of Namibia.svg Namibian Air Force 2005

Namibia Defence Force Air Wing

File:Transparent.png 1994–2005

South West African Territorial Force, Air Wing

File:Transparent.png 1980–1989
 NATO File:NATO OTAN Insignia.svg Allied Air Command 2013
Template:Country data Nepal File:Roundel of Nepal.svg Nepalese Army Air Service c.2008

Royal Nepal Army Air Wing

File:Transparent.png 1979–c.2007

Royal Nepal Army Air Service

File:Transparent.png 1965–1979
 Netherlands File:Roundel of the Netherlands.svg Royal Netherlands Air Force
Koninklijke Luchtmacht

Free Dutch Air Force

Flag of the Netherlands.svg 1940–1945

Army Aviation Brigade

File:Netherlands roundel WW2.svg 1939–1940

former insignia

File:Roundel of the Netherlands.svg 1921–1940

Army Aviation Group

File:Roundel of the Netherlands (1914–1921).svg 1913–1939
File:Roundel of the Netherlands.svg Dutch Naval Aviation Service

former insignia

Flag of the Netherlands.svg 1942–c.1945

former insignia

File:Netherlands roundel WW2.svg 1939–1942

former insignia

File:Roundel of the Netherlands.svg 1921–1940

former insignia

File:Roundel of the Netherlands (1914–1921).svg 1917–1921
File:Netherlands Coast Guard racing stripe.svg Netherlands Coastguard
Royal Netherlands Navy
 [[Netherlands|]] Dutch Caribbean File:Dutch Caribbean Coast Guard racing stripe.svg Dutch Caribbean Coast Guard
Royal Netherlands Navy
 New Zealand File:Roundel of New Zealand.svg Royal New Zealand Air Force
Te Tauaarangi o Aotearoa


File:Roundel of New Zealand - Low Visibility - Type 1.svg

former insignia

File:RNZAF roundel 1943-46.svg 1943–1946

former insignia

File:New Zealand roundel WW2.svg 1939–1945

New Zealand Territorial Air Force

File:RAF type A roundel.svg 1930–1957

New Zealand Permanent Air Force

File:RAF type A roundel.svg 1923–1934

New Zealand Army Flying Corps

File:RAF type A roundel.svg 1913–1923
File:Flag of Nicaragua.svg Nicaragua File:Fasroundel.svg Nicaraguan Army Air Force
Fuerza Aérea – Ejército de Nicaragua

Sandinista Air Force
Fuerza Aérea Sandinista

File:Fuerza Aérea Sandinista.PNG 1979–1996

Air Force of Nicaragua
Fuerza Aérea de Nicaragua

File:Roundel of Nicaragua (1942–1979; wings).svg c.1950–1979

former insignia (fuselage)

File:Roundel of Nicaragua (1962–1979; fuselage).svg 1962–1979

Guard Air Force of Nicaragua
Fuerza Aérea Guardia de Nicaragua

File:Roundel of Nicaragua (1942–1979; wings).svg c.1947–c.1950

former insignia (wings)

File:Roundel of Nicaragua (1942–1962; fuselage).svg 1938-1962

Air Force of the National Guard
Fuerza Aérea de la Guardia Nacional

File:Roundel of Nicaragua (1942–1979; wings).svg 1938–c.1947

Air Corps of the National Guard
Cuerpo de Aviación de la Guardia Nacional

File:Roundel of Nicaragua (1942–1979; wings).svg 1936–1938

Military Aviation Corps
Cuerpo Militar de Aviación

File:Coat of arms of Nicaragua (1908–1971).svg 1926–1936

National Guard
Guardia Nacional

File:Coat of arms of Nicaragua (1908–1971).svg 1920–1926
 Niger File:Roundel of Niger.svg National Squadron of Niger
Escadrille Nationale du Niger

Niger Air Force
Force Aérienne du Niger

File:Roundel of Niger (1961–1980).svg 1961–2003?
Template:Country data Nigeria File:Roundel of Nigeria.svg Nigerian Air Force 1964

insignia variant

File:Roundel of Nigeria – Type 2.svg
File:Roundel of Nigeria - Naval Aviation.svg Nigerian Navy, Air Arm 1985
 Norway File:Roundel of Norway.svg Royal Norwegian Air Force

Free Norwegian Air Force

File:Norwegian Army Air Service WW2.svg 1940-1944

Norwegian Army Air Service
Hærens Flyvevesen

File:Norwegian Army Air Service WW2.svg 1914–1944

Royal Norwegian Navy Air Service
Marinens Flyvevesen

File:Norwegian Army Air Service WW2.svg 1912–1944


Country Current Service
Indigenous name
Former Established
Template:Country data Oman
(formerly Muscat and Oman)
File:IMG Oman Air Force Roundel.svg Royal Air Force of Oman (RAFO)[48]
Al Quwwat al-Jawwiya al-Sultanya al-Omanya

Sultan of Oman's Air Force (SOAF)

File:Roundel of the Royal Air Force of Oman.svg 1959–1990


Country Current Service
Indigenous name
Former Established
 Pakistan File:Roundel of Pakistan.svg Pakistan Air Force
پاک فضائيہ

Royal Pakistan Air Force

File:Transparent.png 1947–1956
File:Roundel of Pakistan.svg Pakistan Army Aviation Corps 1958
File:Roundel of Pakistan – Naval Aviation.svg Pakistan Naval Air Arm 1971
 Panama File:Roundel of Panama.svg Panamanian National Aeronaval Service
Panama Servicio Aéreo Nacional

Panamaian Air Force
Fuerza Aérea Panama

File:Roundel of Panama.svg 1969-1989
Template:Country data Papua New Guinea File:Roundel of Papua New Guinea.svg Papua New Guinea Air Wing 1990s

Papua New Guinea Defence Force, Air Transport Wing

File:Roundel of Papua New Guinea.svg 1975-1990s
Template:Country data Paraguay File:Roundel of Paraguay.svg Paraguayan Air Force
Fuerza Aérea Paraguaya

Paraguaryan Army Aviation Corps

File:Transparent.png 1920s–1940s
File:Roundel of Paraguay.svg Paraguayan Naval Aviation
Aviación Naval Paraguaya[49][50]
 Peru File:Roundel of Peru.svg Peruvian Air Force
Fuerza Aérea del Perú

Peruvian Aeronautical Corps
Cuerpo Aeronáutico del Perú

File:Roundel of Peru.svg 1936–1950

Peruvian Aviation Corps
Cuerpo de Aviación del Perú

File:Roundel of Peru.svg 1929–1936
File:Roundel of Peru - Naval Aviation.svg Peruvian Naval Aviation
Fuerza Aviación Naval

Aeronaval Service
Servicio Aeronaval

File:Roundel of Peru - Naval Aviation.svg 1963–1980
File:Transparent.png Peruvian Army, Aviation
Aviación del Ejército

Army Light Aviation Group
Grupo de Aviación Ligera del Ejército

File:Transparent.png 1973–1977
File:Peruvian Coast Guard racing stripe.png Peruvian Coast Guard
Peruvian Navy
 Philippines File:Roundel of the Philippines.svg Philippine Air Force
ᜑᜒᜃ᜔ᜊᜒᜅ᜔ ᜑᜒᜋ᜔ᜉᜉᜏᜒᜇ᜔ ᜈᜅ᜔ ᜉᜒᜎᜒᜉᜒᜈᜐ᜔
Hukbong Himpapawid ng Pilipinas

Philippine Army Air Corps

File:Philippine Army Air Corps Roundel.png 1936–1947

Philippine Constabulary Air Corps

USAAC Roundel 1919-1941.svg 1935–1936

Philippine National Guard Aviation

File:US Army Air Roundel.svg 1917–1935
File:Roundel of the Philippines.svg Philippine Navy Naval Air Wing 2019

Philippine Navy Naval Air Group

File:Roundel of the Philippines.svg 1975–2019
File:Roundel of the Philippines.svg Philippine Army Aviation Regiment 2019

Philippine Army Aviation Battalion

File:Roundel of the Philippines.svg 1980–2019
File:Roundel of the Philippines.svg Philippine Coast Guard Aviation Force 1998

Philippine Coast Guard racing stripe

File:Philippine Coast Guard New Racing Stripe.png
File:Philippine National Police seal.svg Philippine National Police Special Action Force Air Unit
 Poland File:Szachownica.svg Polish Air Force
Siły Powietrzne Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej

Air and Air Defence Forces
Wojska Lotnicze i Obrony Powietrznej

File:Szachownica.svg 1993–2004


File:Roundel of Poland (1921-1993).svg 1990–1993

Air Force
Wojska Lotnicze

File:Roundel of Poland (1921-1993).svg 1962-1990

Air Defence Force of Country
Wojska Obrony Powietrznej Kraju

File:Roundel of Poland (1921-1993).svg 1962–1990

Air and Air Defence Forces of Country
Wojska Lotnicze i Obrony Przeciwlotniczej Obszaru Kraju

File:Roundel of Poland (1921-1993).svg 1954–1962

Air Force
Wojska Lotnicze

File:Roundel of Poland (1921-1993).svg 1947–1954

Air Force of the Polish Army
Lotnictwo Wojska Polskiego

File:Roundel of Poland (1921-1993).svg 1945–1947

Air Force of the Polish Army
Lotnictwo Wojska Polskiego

File:Red star.svg 1943-1945

Polish Air Forces in France and Great Britain

File:Roundel of Poland (1921-1993).svg 1939-1946

Air Force
Wojska Lotnicze

File:Roundel of Poland (1918-1921).svg 1918–1939
File:Szachownica.svg Polish Army Aviation
Lotnictwo Wojsk Lądowych
File:Szachownica.svg Polish Naval Aviation
Lotnictwo Marynarki Wojennej
File:Roundel of Poland - Border Guard.svg Polish Border Guards - Paramilitary border guard service of Poland. 1990
 Portugal File:Roundel of Portugal.svg Portuguese Air Force
Força Aérea Portuguesa

Military Aeronautics Arm
Arma da Aeronáutica Militar

File:Roundel of Portugal.svg 1924-1952


File:Roundel of Portugal.svg 1918-1924

Military Aeronautical Service
Serviço Aeronáutico Militar

File:Portuguese WW1 roundel.svg 1914-1918

Balloon Company
Companhia de Aerosteiros

File:Portuguese WW1 roundel.svg 1911-1914
File:Roundel of Portugal.svg Portuguese Naval Aviation
Esquadrilha de Helicópteros da Marinha

Aeronaval Forces
Forças Aeronavais

File:Roundel of Portugal.svg 1952-1957

Navy Air Forces
Forças Aéreas da Armada

File:Roundel of Portugal.svg 1931-1952

Naval Aeronautics Service
Serviço da Aeronáutica Naval

File:Roundel of Portugal.svg 1918-1931

Navy Aviation Service
Serviço de Aviação da Armada

File:Portuguese WW1 roundel.svg 1917-1918
File:Roundel of Portugal.svg Portuguese Army Light Aviation Unit
Unidade de Aviacão Ligeira do Exército


Country Current Service
Indigenous name
Former Established
Template:Country data Qatar File:Roundel of Qatar.svg Qatar Emiri Air Force 1974

Qatar Public Security Forces Air Wing

File:Transparent.png 1968-1974


Country Current Service
Indigenous name
Former Established
 Romania File:Roundel of Romania.svg Romanian Air Force
Forțele Aeriene Române


File:Roundel of Romania.svg 1985-1989

Air Force of the Socialist Republic of Romania
Forțele Aeriene ale Republicii Socialiste România

File:Roundel of Romania (1947-1985).svg 1965-1985

Forțele Aeriene ale Republicii Populare Române

File:Roundel of Romania (1947-1985).svg 1964-1965

Forțele Aeriene ale Republicii Populare Romîne

File:Roundel of Romania (1947-1985).svg 1954-1964

Air Force of the People's Republic of Romania
Forțele Aeriene ale Republicii Populare Române

File:Roundel of Romania (1947-1985).svg 1949-1954


File:Roundel of Romania.svg 1944-1949

Romanian Royal Aeronautics
Aeronautica Regală Română

File:Roundel of the Romanian Air Force, 1941-1944.svg 1941-1944


File:Roundel of Romania.svg 1924-1941

Romanian Air Corps
Corpul de Aviație

File:Roundel of Romania WW1.svg 1915-1924

Romanian Military Aeronautics Service
Serviciul de Aeronautică Militară

File:Roundel of Romania.svg 1913-1915

Military Aerostation[51]
Aerostația Militară

File:Transparent.png 1893-1913
File:Roundel of Romania.svg Romanian Naval Aviation 2006


File:Roundel of Romania (1947-1985).svg 1949-1960

Seaplane Flotilla
Flotila de Hidroaviație

File:Roundel of Romania.svg 1930-1949


File:Roundel of the Romanian Air Force, 1941-1944.svg 1941-1944

Maritime Air Corps[52]
Corpul de Aviație Maritimă

File:Roundel of Romania.svg 1920-1930
 Russia File:Roundel of Russia.svg Russian Air Force[53][failed verification]
Военно-воздушные cилы России
Voyenno-Vozdushnye Sily Rossii

Russian Air Defence Force

File:Roundel of the Soviet Union (1945–1991).svg 1991-2008

Soviet Air Defence Force

File:Roundel of the Soviet Union (1945–1991).svg 1948-1991

Soviet Air Forces
Военно-воздушные силы
Voenno-Vozdushnye Sily

File:Roundel of the Soviet Union (1945–1991).svg 1918-1991


File:Red star.svg 1922–1943

Imperial Russian Air Service
Императорский военно-воздушный флот
Pre-reform Russian:Императорскій военно-воздушный флотъ

File:Imperial Russian Aviation Roundel.svg 1910-1917
File:Roundel of Russia.svg Russian Naval Aviation
Авиация Военно-Морского Флота
Aviatsiya Voyenno-Morskogo Flota


File:Roundel of the Soviet Union (1945–1991).svg 1991-2010

Soviet Naval Aviation

File:Roundel of the Soviet Union (1945–1991).svg 1918-1991


File:Red star.svg 1922–1943
File:Roundel of Russia.svg Russian Army Aviation 1992-2010s

Soviet Army Aviation

File:Roundel of the Soviet Union (1945–1991).svg 1970s–1991
File:Roundel of Russia.svg National Guard of Russia 2016

Internal Troops of Russia

File:Roundel of Russia.svg 1991-2016
File:Transparent.png Border Service of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation 1992

Soviet Border Troops aviation

File:Red star.svg -1992
Template:Country data Rwanda
(formerly Ruanda-Urundi)
File:Roundel of Rwanda.svg Rwandan Air Force
Force Aérienne Rwandaise


Country Current Service
Indigenous name
Former Established
 Saudi Arabia File:Roundel of Saudi Arabia.svg Royal Saudi Air Force
القوات الجوية الملكية السعودية
Al-Quwwāt al-Jawwiyyah al-Malakiyyah as-Suʿūdiyyah

Hejaz Air Force

File:Transparent.png 1921-1932
File:Roundel of Saudi Arabia - Naval Aviation.png Royal Saudi Naval Aviation 1985
File:Royal Saudi Land Forces Aviation.png Royal Saudi Land Forces Aviation 1990s
File:Transparent.png General Security Aviation Command 1975
File:Transparent.png Saudi Arabian National Guard, Aviation 2011
Template:Country data Senegal
(formerly part of the Senegambia Confederation)
File:Roundel of Senegal.svg Senegalese Air Force
Armée de l'Air du Sénégal

Senegambia Air Force
Armée de l'Air du Sénegambia

File:Roundel of Senegal.svg 1982-1989

Senegalese Air Force
Armée de l'Air du Senégal

File:Roundel of Senegal.svg 1961-1982
 Serbia File:Roundel of Serbia.svg Serbian Air Force and Air Defence
Ратно ваздухопловство и противваздухопловна одбрана Војске Србије
Ratno vazduhoplovstvo i protivvazduhoplovna odbrana Vojske Srbije

Air Force of Serbia and Montenegro
Ратно ваздухопловство и противваздушна одбрана Војске Србије и Црне Горе
Ratno vazduhoplovstvo i protivvazdušna odbrana Vojske Srbije i Crne Gore

File:Roundel of Yugoslavia 1992-2003.svg 2003–2006[55]

Air Force of FR Yugoslavia
Ратно ваздухопловство и противваздушна одбрана Војске Југославије
Ratno vazduhoplovstvo i protivvazdušna odbrana Vojske Jugoslavije

File:Roundel of Yugoslavia 1992-2003.svg 1992–2003

Royal Yugoslav Army Air Force
Ваздухопловство војске Краљевине Југославије
Vazduhoplovstvo vojske Kraljevine Jugoslavije

File:Roundel of the Royal Yugoslav Air Force.svg 1929–1941

Yugoslav Royal Army Aviation Department
Авиацијско Одељење Југословенске Краљевске Армије
Aviacijsko Odeljenje Jugoslovenske Kraljevske Armije

File:Roundel of the Royal Yugoslav Air Force 1923.svg 1918–1929

Serbian Aviation
Српска Авијатика
Srpska Avijatika

File:Roundel of the Serbian Air Force 1915.svg 1915-1918[56]

Air Force Command
Ваздухопловна Команда
Vazduhoplovna Komanda

File:Roundel of the Serbian Air Force 1912.svg 1912-1915
File:Roundel of the Royal Yugoslav Air Force.svg Royal Yugoslav Navy, Naval Air Service -1941
Template:Country data Seychelles File:Roundel of Seychelles.svg Seychelles People's Defence Force Air Wing (part of the Seychelles People's Defence Force) 2008

Seychelles Defence Force Air Wing

File:Seychelles Coast Guard Aviation Insigna.svg 1978
Template:Country data Sierra Leone File:Roundel of Sierra Leone.svg Sierra Leone Defence Force Air Force 1973
 Singapore Link to file Republic of Singapore Air Force
Angkatan Udara Republik Singapura
சிங்கப்பூர் ஆகாயப்படை

Singapore Air Defence Command

File:Roundel of Singapore (1973–1990).svg 1968-1975

former insignia

File:Roundel of Singapore (1968–1973).svg 1968-1973

Singapore Wing, Malayan Auxiliary Air Force

File:RAF roundel.svg 1950-1960
 Slovakia File:Coat of arms of Slovakia.svg Slovak Air Force
Vzdušné sily Slovenskej republiky

Slovak Insurgent Air Force
Slovenské povstalecké letectvo

File:Roundel of Slovak Insurgent (1944).svg August–October 1944

Slovak Air Force
Slovenské vzdušné zbrane

File:Slovak roundel WW2.svg 1939-1945

former insignia

File:Slovak Air force roundel 1939-1940.gif 1939-1940
 Slovenia File:Roundel of Slovenia.svg Slovenian Air Force and Air Defence
Brigada zračne Obrambe in Letalstva Slovenske Vojske

15th Aviation Brigade
Slovenian Armed Forces

File:Roundel of Slovenia.svg 1995-2004

15th Aviation Brigade
Slovenian Territorial Defence Force

File:Sign of Slovenian Army.svg 1991-1995

Slovenian Air Force upon the break-away from the Habsburg Empire

File:Roundel of Slovenia.svg 1918-1919
Template:Country data Somalia File:Roundel of Somalia.svg Somali Air Force
Ciidamada Cirka Soomaaliyeed[57]

Somali Aeronautical Corps
Ciidamada Cirka Soomaaliyeed
Corpo di Sicurezza della Somalia

File:Roundel of Somalia.svg 1954-1968
File:Transparent.png Puntland Maritime Police Force
Somali Navy
 South Africa File:Roundel of South Africa.svg South African Air Force (SAAF)
Suid-Afrikaanse Lugmag


File:Roundel of South Africa (1982-2003).svg 1982-2003


File:Roundel of South Africa (1958-1981).svg 1958-1981


File:Roundel of the SAAF 1947 1957.svg 1947-1957

South African Air Force

File:Roundel of the SAAF WW2.svg 1924-1947

former insignia

File:South African Air Force trial roundel (1920-1921).svg 1920-1921

South African Aviation Corps

File:South African Air Force roundel early 1920.svg 1915-1920
Template:Country data South Sudan File:Roundel of South Sudan.svg South Sudan Air Force 2011
 Spain File:Roundel of the Spanish Air Force.svg Spanish Air and Space Force (SASF)
Ejército del Aire y del Espacio

Spanish Air Force (SPAF)
Ejército del Aire

File:Roundel of the Spanish Air Force.svg 1939-2022

Nationalist Air Force[58]
Aviación Nacional

File:Nationalist air force black roundel.svg 1936-1939

Nationalist Air Force insignia (wings)

File:Spanish Civil War nationalist roundel.svg 1937-1939

Nationalist Air Force insignia variant

File:Nationalist air force black roundel with arrows.svg 1936-1939

Spanish Republican Air Force
Fuerzas Aéreas de la República Española (FARE)

File:Roundel of Spanish Republican Air force.svg 1936-1939

Military Aviation
Aeronáutica Militar Española

File:Roundel of the Spanish Republican Air Force.svg 1931-1936

Military Aviation
Aeronáutica Militar Española

File:Roundel of the Spanish Air Force.svg 1911-1931

Military Aerostatics Service
Servicio Militar de Aerostacion

File:Roundel of the Spanish Air Force.svg 1896-1911
File:Roundel of the Spanish Air Force.svg Spanish Army Airmobile Force
Fuerzas Aeromóviles del Ejército de Tierra (FAMET)

Army Light Air Force
Aviacion Ligera del Ejercito de Tierra

File:Roundel of the Spanish Air Force.svg 1965-1973
File:Roundel of the Spanish Air Force.svg Spanish Navy Air Arm
Arma Aérea de la Armada

Naval Aviation
Aeronáutica Naval

File:Roundel of the Spanish Republican Air Force.svg 1931-1936

Naval Aviation
Aeronáutica Naval

File:Roundel of the Spanish Air Force.svg 1917-1931
File:Roundel of the Spanish Air Force.svg Civil Guard Aviation
Guardia Civil - Under the authority of both the Ministry of Defence and Ministry of the Interior.
 Sri Lanka
(formerly Ceylon)
File:Roundel of Sri Lanka.svg Sri Lanka Air Force
ශ්රි ලංකා ගුවන් හමුදාව
Sri Lanka Guwan Hamudawa

Royal Ceylon Air Force
රාජකීය ලංකා ගුවන් හමුදාව
Rajakeeya Lanka Guwan Hamudawa

File:Roundel of Sri Lanka (1951–2010).svg 1951-1972
File:Flag of Sudan.svg Sudan
(formerly the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan)
File:Roundel of Sudan.svg Sudanese Air Force
القوّات الجوّيّة السودانيّة
Al Quwwat al-Jawwiya As-Sudaniya

former insignia

File:Roundel of Sudan (1956-1970).svg 1956-1970
Template:Country data Suriname
(formerly Dutch Guyana)
File:Roundel of Suriname.svg Suriname Air Force
Surinaamse Luchtmacht

former insignia

File:Flag of Suriname.svg 1982-1990s
 Sweden File:Roundel of Sweden.svg Swedish Air Force
Svenska Flygvapnet

former insignia

File:Roundel of Sweden (1937–1940).svg 1937-1940

Swedish Air Force
Svenska Flygvapnet

File:Roundel of Sweden (1927-1937).svg 1926-1937

Swedish Armed Forces Helicopter Wing[59]
Försvarsmaktens helikopterflottilj

File:Roundel of Sweden.svg 1998-2003

Swedish Army Aviation

File:Roundel of Sweden.svg 1954-1998

former insignia

File:Roundel of Sweden (1914–1915).svg 1914-1915

Aircraft Coy of the Signal Corps

File:Roundel of Sweden (1912–1927).svg 1912-1926

Swedish Naval Aviation

File:Roundel of Sweden.svg 1958-1998

Naval Air Service
Marinens Flygväsen

File:Roundel of Sweden.svg 1911-1926
File:Transparent.png Swedish Volunteer Air Corps
Home Guard (Sweden), Swedish Armed Forces
  Switzerland File:Roundel of Switzerland.svg Swiss Air Force
Schweizer Luftwaffe
Forces Aériennes Suisses
Forze Aeree Svizzere

Independent service under the Swiss Federal Military Department
Schweizerische Flugwaffe

File:Flag of Switzerland.svg 1936-1946

Swiss Army Aviation
Schweizerische Fliegertruppe

File:Flag of Switzerland.svg 1914-1936
Template:Country data Syria File:Roundel of Syria.svg Syrian Arab Air Force
القوات الجوية العربية السورية
Al Quwwat al-Jawwiya al Arabiya as-Souriya

former insignia

File:Roundel of Syria (1972–1980).svg 1972-1980

former insignia

File:Roundel of Syria (1963–1972).svg 1963-1972

United Arab Republic Air Force

File:Roundel of Syria.svg 1958-1961[25]

Syrian Air Force

File:Roundel of Syria (1948–1958; 1961–1963).svg 1948-1958


Country Current Service
Indigenous name
Former Established
Template:Country data Tajikistan File:Roundel of Tajikistan.svg Tajik Air Force 2006[60]
(formerly Tanganyika)
File:Tanzania roundel 2010.svg Tanzania Air Force Command
Jeshi la Anga la Wananchi wa Tanzania

former insignia

File:Roundel of Tanzania.svg 1964-2010
(formerly Siam)
File:Roundel of Thailand.svg Royal Thai Air Force
Kongthap Akat Thai

Former marking

File:Roundel of the Royal Thai Air Force (1941-1945).svg 1942-1945[61]

Former marking

File:Roundel of the Royal Thai Air Force (1940-1941).svg 1940-1941

Royal Siamese Air Force Division
Krom Tahan Akat

File:Roundel of Thailand.svg 1935-1937

Royal Siamese Air Division
Krom Akatsayan

File:Roundel of Thailand.svg 1921-1935

Siamese Army Aviation Division
Krom Akatsayan Tahan Bok

File:Roundel of Thailand.svg 1917-1921

Siamese Army Aviation Unit
Kong Bin Tahan Bok

File:Flag of Thailand 1855.svg 1914-1917
File:Roundel of Thailand.svg Royal Thai Army Aviation Center
Kong Bin Tahan Bok Thai
File:Roundel of Thailand.svg Royal Thai Naval Air Division
Kongkanbin Tahan Ruea Thai
Template:Country data Tonga File:Tonga Air Force Marking.svg Tonga Defence Services aviation 2013[62]

HMAF Air Wing

File:Tonga Air Force Marking.svg 1996-2013
Template:Country data Togo File:Roundel of Togo.svg Togolese Air Force
Force Aérienne Togolaise
Template:Country data Trinidad and Tobago File:Roundel of Trinidad and Tobago Air Guard.svg Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force Air Guard 2005

Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force Air Wing

File:Flag of Trinidad and Tobago.svg 1977-2005

Air Wing of the Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force Coast Guard

File:Transparent.png 1966-1977
 Tunisia File:Roundel of Tunisia.svg Tunisian Air Force
القوات الجوية التونسية
Al Quwwat al-Jawwiya At'Tunisia
File:Transparent.png Tunisian National Guard aviation - National gendarmerie force of Tunisia.
 Turkey File:Roundel of Turkey.svg Turkish Air Force
Türk Hava Kuvvetleri

former insignia

File:Roundel of Turkey (1923–1972).svg 1944-1972

Turkish Ministry of Defense,
Undersecretariat of Military Aviation
Hava Müsteşarlığı

File:Roundel of Turkey (1923–1972).svg 1928-1944

Turkish Air Force Inspectorate
Hava Kuvvetleri Müfettişliği

File:Roundel of Turkey (1923–1972).svg 1922-1928

Turkish Air Force General Directorate
Kuva-yı Havaiye Müdüriyet-i Umumiyesi

File:Roundel of Turkey (1923–1972).svg 1921-1922

Turkish Army Air Service
Kuva-yı Havaiye Şubesi

File:Roundel of Turkey (1923–1972).svg 1920-1921
File:Roundel of Turkey.svg Turkish Army Aviation Command
Kara Kuvvetleri Havacılık Komutanlığı
File:Roundel of Turkey.svg Naval Forces Aviation Command
Deniz Kuvvetleri Havacılık Komutanlığı

naval aviation insignia

File:Turkish navy aviation roundel.png
File:Turkish Coast Guard racing stripe.svg Coast Guard Aviation Command
Sahil Güvenlik Havacılık Komutanlığı

Turkish aircraft insignia

File:Roundel of Turkey.svg
File:Roundel of Turkey.svg Gendarmerie Aviation Command
Jandarma Havacılık Komutanlığı
Template:Country data Turkmenistan File:Roundel of Turkmenistan.svg Turkmen Air Force 1991

former insignia

File:Roundel of Turkmenistan (1991-2011).svg 1991-2011


Country Current Service
Indigenous name
Former Established
Template:Country data Uganda File:Roundel of Uganda - Type 1.svg Uganda Air Force 2005

Uganda Police Air Wing

File:Roundel of Uganda - Type 2.svg 1964–1987

Uganda Army Air Force

File:Ouganda ancienne identification des aéronefs.svg 1964-1987
 Ukraine File:Roundel of Ukraine.svg Ukraine Air Force
Військово-Повітряні Сили України Viys'kovo-Povitriani Syly Ukrayiny

Ukrainian Air Defence Forces

File:Roundel of Ukraine (1992).svg 1992-2004

Air Fleet of the Revolutionary Insurgent Army of Ukraine

File:Transparent.png 1918-1921

Ukrainian People's Republic Air Fleet

File:Ukrainian Air Force roundel 1918 variant.svg 1917-1921
File:Roundel of Ukraine – Naval Aviation.svg Ukrainian Naval Aviation
Авіація Військово-Морських Сил Aviatsiya Viys'kovo-Mors'kykh Syl
File:Roundel of Ukraine.svg Ukrainian Army Aviation 1992
File:Transparent.png National Guard of Ukraine, Aviation 2014
File:Transparent.png State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, Aviation 2003
 United Arab Emirates File:Roundel of the United Arab Emirates.svg United Arab Emirates Air Force 1976[65]

Sharjah Amiri Guard Air Wing

File:Roundel of the United Arab Emirates.svg 1984-1997

Dubai Police Air Wing

File:United Arab Emirates roundel Pre 1970.svg 1973-1976

Dubai Union Defence Force Air Wing

File:Transparent.png 1971-1973

Abu Dhabi Air Force

File:Dubaï. roundel aircraft.svg 1972-1976

Abu Dhabi Defence Force Air Wing

File:Transparent.png 1968-1972
File:Transparent.png United Arab Emirates Navy, Aviation
 United Kingdom File:RAF roundel.svg Royal Air Force 1918

insignia variant

File:RAF Lowvis Army roundel.svg

former insignia

File:RAF type C1 roundel.svg 1942-1947

former insignia

File:RAF Far East Command roundel.svg 1942-1945

Royal Air Force

File:RAF type A roundel.svg 1918-1937

former insignia

File:RAF type A roundel.svg 1915-1918

Royal Flying Corps

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg 1912-1915

Air Battalion of the Royal Engineers

File:Transparent.png 1911-1912

School of Ballooning

File:Transparent.png 1888-1911
File:RAF roundel.svg Fleet Air Arm 1937

insignia variant

File:RAF Lowvis Army roundel.svg

former insignia

File:RAF FAA Pacific Roundel -outlined bars.svg 1944-1945

former insignia

File:RAF type C1 roundel.svg 1942-1947

former insignia

File:RAF type A1 roundel.svg 1937-1942

Fleet Air Arm of the RAF

File:RAF roundel.svg 1924-1937

Royal Naval Air Service

File:RAF type A roundel.svg 1914-1918

Naval Wing of the Royal Flying Corps

File:RNAS roundels 1914-1915.svg 1912-1914
File:RAF Lowvis Army roundel.svg Army Air Corps[67] 1957

Glider Pilot Regiment

File:RAF roundel.svg 1941-1957
File:RAF Lowvis Army roundel.svg 3 Commando Brigade Air Squadron
Royal Marines
 United States Roundel of the USAF.svg United States Air Force[68] 1947


Roundel of the USAF.svg 1947–

United States Army Air Forces

File:US roundel 1943-1947.svg 1941-1947

former insignia

File:Roundel of the United States (1943) – variant.svg 1943

former insignia

File:USAAF roundel 1943.svg 1943

former insignia

File:US roundel 1942-1943.svg 1942-1943

United States Army Air Corps

USAAC Roundel 1919-1941.svg 1926-1941

United States Army Air Service

File:US Army Air Roundel.svg 1918-1926

Division of Military Aeronautics

File:US Army Air Roundel.svg 20–24 May 1918

former insignia

File:US Roundel 1917-1918 (different proportions from 1919 version).svg 1917-1919

Aviation Section, U.S. Signal Corps

File:US Roundel 1916.svg 1914-1918

Aeronautical Division, U.S. Signal Corps

File:Transparent.png 1907-1914

Union Army Balloon Corps

File:Transparent.png 1861-1863
Roundel of the USAF.svg United States Army Aviation Branch 1983

Army Aviation

Roundel of the USAF.svg 1947-1983
Roundel of the USAF.svg United States Navy, Naval Air Forces 1911

former insignia

File:Roundel of the United States (1943) – variant.svg 1943

former insignia

File:US Roundel 1917-1918 (different proportions from 1919 version).svg 1917-1918

Naval Flying Corps

File:Roundel of the United States (1916 –1917) – Naval Flying Corps.svg 1916-1917
Roundel of the USAF.svg United States Marine Corps Aviation[69] 1912

former insignia

File:Roundel of the United States (1912) – Marine Corps Aviation.svg 1912
Roundel of the USAF.svg United States Coast Guard 1916

US Coast Guard racing stripe

File:CGMark W.svg
Template:Country data Uruguay File:Roundel of Uruguay.svg Uruguayan Air Force
Fuerza Aérea Uruguaya

Military Air Force
Fuerza Aérea Militar

File:Roundel of Uruguay.svg 1952-1953

Uruguayan Military Aviation
Aeronáutica Militar Uruguaya

File:Roundel of Uruguay.svg 1935-1952

Military School of Aeronautics
Escuela Militar de Aeronáutica

File:Roundel of Uruguay.svg 1916-1935

Military Aviation School
Escuela de Aviación Militar

File:Transparent.png 1913-1916
File:Uruguay Naval Aviation fuzelage mark.svg Uruguayan Naval Aviation
Aviación Naval Uruguaya

Naval Air Service
Servicio Aeronáutico

File:Roundel of Uruguay.svg 1925–1951
Template:Country data Uzbekistan File:Roundel of Uzbekistan.svg Uzbekistan Air and Air Defence Forces 1992


Country Current Service
Indigenous name
Former Established
 Venezuela File:Roundel of Venezuela.svg Venezuelan Air Force
Aviación Militar Bolivariana

Venezuelan Military Aviation
Aviación Militar de Venezuela

File:Roundel of Venezuela.svg 2001–2006

Venezuelan Air Force
Fuerza Aérea Venezolana

File:Roundel of Venezuela.svg 1946–2001

Army Aeronautical Service
Servicio de Aeronáutica del Ejército

File:Transparent.png 1944–1946

Aviation Regiment N° 1
Regimiento de Aviación N° 1

File:Transparent.png 1936–1944

Venezuelan Military Aviation School
Escuela de Aviación Militar

File:Transparent.png 1920–1936
File:Roundel of Venezuela.svg Venezuelan Army Aviation
Servicio Aéreo del Ejército Venezolano
File:Roundel of Venezuela – Naval Aviation.svg Venezuelan Naval Aviation
Aviación de la Marina Venezolana

Servicio de Aviacion Naval Venezolana

File:Transparent.png 1974-1985

Naval Aviation Centre

File:Transparent.png 1922
File:Roundel of Venezuela - National Guard.svg National Guard of Venezuela
Comando de Apoyo Aéreo de Guardia Nacional
 Vietnam File:Roundel of Vietnam.svg Vietnam People's Air Force
Không quân Nhân dân Việt Nam

Vietnam Democratic Republic Air Force

File:Roundel of Vietnam.svg 1965–1975

Vietnam Democratic Republic Air Force

File:Roundel of North Vietnam (1955–1965).svg 1955–1965

Republic of Vietnam Air Force
Không lực Việt Nam Cộng hòa

File:Vietnam Air Force (south) roundel.svg 1955–1975
File:Roundel of Vietnam.svg Naval Air Force 1986
File:Transparent.png Vietnam Coast Guard, Aviation 2008–2013


Country Current Service
Indigenous name
Former Established
 Yemen File:Roundel of Yemen.svg Yemeni Air Force
Al Quwwat al Jawwiya al Yemeniya

North Yemen Air Force

File:Roundel of the North Yemen Air Force.svg 1980-1990

People's Republic of South Yemen Air Force

File:Roundel of South Yemen (1969–1980).svg 1969–1980

People's Democratic Republic of Yemen Air Force

File:Roundel of South Yemen (1980–1990).svg 1980-1990


Country Current Service
Indigenous name
Former Established
Template:Country data Zambia
(formerly Northern Rhodesia)
File:Roundel of Zambia.svg Zambian Air Force 1968

Zambia Air Wing

File:Roundel of Zambia (1964–1996).svg 1964–1968

Federation of Rhodesia & Nyasaland Air Force

File:Roundel of Rhodesia (1953–1963).svg 1954–1963
Template:Country data Zimbabwe
(formerly Southern Rhodesia)
File:Roundel of Zimbabwe.svg Air Force of Zimbabwe 1980

former insignia

File:Fin Flash of Zimbabwe.svg 1982–1994

Zimbabwe-Rhodesian Air Force

File:Roundel of Rhodesia (1970–1980).svg 1979–1980

Rhodesian Air Force

File:Roundel of Rhodesia (1970–1980).svg 1970–1979

Royal Rhodesian Air Force

File:Roundel of Rhodesia (1964–1970).svg 1963–1970

Federation of Rhodesia & Nyasaland Air Force

File:Roundel of Rhodesia (1953–1963).svg 1954–1963

Southern Rhodesian Air Force

File:Roundel of Rhodesia (1947–1953).svg 1947–1954

Rhodesian Regiment Air Unit

File:RAF roundel.svg 1935–1939

Former countries and movements

Country Current Service
Indigenous name
Former Established
Template:Country data Abu Dhabi File:Dubaï. roundel aircraft.svg Abu Dhabi Air Force 1968–1976
Template:Country data Austria-Hungary File:Roundel of Austro-Hungary 1918.svg Imperial and Royal Aviation Troops
Kaiserliche und Königliche Luftfahrtruppen


File:Cross-Pattee-Heraldry.svg 1915–1918


File:Austria-Hungary Air force 1914-1916.svg 1914–1916

Imperial and Royal Aviation Service
KuK. Militär-Aeronautische Anstalt

File:Transparent.png 1893–1912
File:Austria-Hungary Air force 1914-1916.svg Austro-Hungarian Naval Air Corps
K.u.K. Seefliegerkorps
Template:Country data Biafra File:Roundel of the Biafran Air Force.svg Biafran Air Force 1967–1970
Template:Country data Bophuthatswana File:Bophuthatswana Air Force Insignia.svg Bophuthatswana Air Force 1987–1994

Bophuthatswana Defence Force Air Wing

File:Bophuthatswana Air Force Insignia.svg 1981-1987
Template:Country data Central African Empire File:Roundel of the Central African Republic.svg Central African Empire Air Force 1976–1979
Template:Country data Ceylon File:Roundel of Sri Lanka (1951–2010).svg Royal Ceylon Air Force
රාජකීය ලංකා ගුවන් හමුදාව
Rajakeeya Lanka Guwan Hamudawa
Template:Country data Chechen Republic of Ichkeria File:Military aircraft insignia of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria.svg Chechen National Guard aviation 1990s
File:Flag of the Republic of China-Nanjing (Peace, Anti-Communism, National Construction).svg Reorganized National Government of the Republic of China
(Wang Jingwei regime)
File:Roundel of the Republic of China-Nanjing 1940-1945.svg Nanjing Government air force 1941–1945
Template:Country data Ciskei File:Transparent.png Ciskei Defence Force 1980–1994
Template:Country data Croatian Republic of Herzeg-Bosnia File:Transparent.png Croatian Defence Council aviation 1992–
Template:Country data Czechoslovakia File:Roundel of the Czech Republic.svg Czech and Slovakian Air Force 1990–1993

Czechoslovak Air Force

File:Roundel of the Czech Republic.svg 1945–1990

Slovak Insurgent Air Force

File:Roundel of Slovak Insurgent (1944).svg August–October 1944

1st Czechoslovak Mixed Air Division
1st Czechoslovak Army Corps in the USSR

File:Red star.svg 1944-1945

Czechoslovak Air Force in the West

File:Roundel of the Czech Republic.svg 1940-1946

Czechoslovak Army Air Force

File:Roundel of the Czech Republic.svg 1918–1939
File:Flag of Slovakia (1939–1945).svg [[Slovakia|]] Slovak Republic File:Slovak roundel WW2.svg Slovak Air Force 1939–1945
Template:Country data Dahomey File:Roundel of Benin.svg Dahomey Air Force
Force Aérienne de Dahomey
Template:Country data Dubai File:United Arab Emirates roundel Pre 1970.svg Dubai Police Air Wing 1971-1976
Template:Country data Free City of Danzig File:Transparent.png Free City of Danzig Police Air Squadron 1919-
Template:Country data Free France File:Free French Air Forces Roundel svg.svg Free French Air Force 1940–1945
File:Free French Air Forces Roundel.svg Free French Naval Air Service 1940–1945
Template:Country data East Germany File:Emblem of aircraft of NVA (East Germany).svg Air Forces of the National People's Army
Luftstreitkräfte und Luftverteidigung der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik
File:Emblem of aircraft of NVA (East Germany).svg People's Navy -1990
File:Emblem of the Border Troops of East Germany.svg Border Troops of the German Democratic Republic -1990
File:Gesellschaft für Sport und Technik Symbol.svg Gesellschaft für Sport und Technik aviation
Paramilitary sports and pre-military training organization.
Template:Country data Second East Turkestan Republic File:Transparent.png Ili National Army aviation 1945-1949
Template:Country data Ireland Irish Free state File:Roundel of Ireland (1939-1954).svg Irish National Army 1922–1924
File:Flag of the Kingdom of Hejaz and Nejd.svg Kingdom of Nejd and Hejaz
File:Flag of Hejaz 1920.svg Kingdom of Hejaz
File:Transparent.png Hejaz Air Force[71]
القوات الجوية الحجازية
File:State Flag of Iran (1925).svg [[Iran|]] Imperial State of Iran File:Roundel of Iran.svg Imperial Iranian Air Force 1925–1979
Template:Country data Italian Social Republic
 [[Kingdom of Italy|]] Kingdom of Italy
File:Aviazione Nazionale Repubblicana Air Force roundel.svg Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana 1943–1945

Regia Aeronautica

File:Italy-Royal-Airforce.svg 1923–1943
Template:Country data Cambodia People's Republic of Kampuchea
Template:Country data Cambodia Democratic Kampuchea
Template:Country data Cambodia Kingdom of Cambodia
Template:Country data Khmer Republic
File:Roundel of Cambodia 1989.svg Cambodian People's Air Force 1989–1993

Kampuchean People's Air Force

File:Roundel of Cambodia 1979.svg 1979–1989

Kampuchean Revolutionary Armed Forces Air Force

File:Roundel of Cambodia 1975.svg 1977–1979

Khmer Air Force

File:Roundel of Cambodia (1970-1975).svg 1970–1975
File:Black flag.svg Makhnovshchina File:Transparent.png Air Fleet of the Revolutionary Insurgent Army of Ukraine 1918-1921
Template:Country data Madagascar Malagasy Republic File:Roundel of Madagascar.svg Malagasy Air Force 1961
Template:Country data Straits Settlements /
Template:Country data Malayan Union Federated Malay States /
Unfederated Malay States /
Template:Country data Malayan Union Malayan Union /
Template:Country data Malaya
File:Transparent.png Royal Malayan Air Force 1958–1963

Malayan Auxiliary Air Force

File:Transparent.png 1950–1958

Malayan Volunteer Air Force

File:Transparent.png 1940-1950

Straits Settlements Volunteer Air Force

File:RAF roundel.svg
Template:Country data Manchukuo File:Manchukuo Air Force Roundel.svg Manchukuo Air Force 1937–1945

Manchukuo Air Transport Company

File:Roundel of Manchukuo (1932–1945) – Manchukuo Air Transport Company.svg 1931-1937
Template:Country data Muscat and Oman File:Roundel of the Royal Air Force of Oman.svg Sultan of Oman's Air Force 1959–1990
 Germany File:Balkenkreuz fuselage underwing.svg Luftwaffe 1933–1945
Nazi Party File:Transparent.png National Socialist Flyers Corps
Paramilitary aviation organization of the Nazi Party.

German Air Sports Association

File:Transparent.png 1933-1937
 [[Netherlands|]] Dutch East Indies File:Roundel of the Netherlands.svg Royal Netherlands East Indies Army Air Force 1939-1950

Free Dutch East Indies Air Force

File:Netherlands roundel WW2.svg 1942–1945
File:Flag of the Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen.svg [[Yemen|]] Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen/
Template:Country data North Yemen/
Template:Country data South Yemen
File:Roundel of the North Yemen Air Force.svg Yemen Arab Republic Air Force 1962–1990

Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen Air Force

File:Roundel of the Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen (? –1962).svg -1962

People's Republic of South Yemen Air Force

File:Roundel of South Yemen (1969–1980).svg 1969–1980

People's Democratic Republic of Yemen Air Force

File:Roundel of South Yemen (1980–1990).svg 1980-1990
Template:Country data North Vietnam File:Roundel of Vietnam.svg North Vietnam Air Force 1955–1975
Template:Country data Ottoman Empire File:Roundel otto.JPG Ottoman Air Force
Kuva-yı Havaiye Müfettişliği
File:Ottomaanse Vlag.png Ottoman Naval Aviation Academy and Service
Bahriye Tayyare Mektebi ve Havacılık Şubesi
Template:Country data Laos Pathet Lao File:Transparent.png Pathet Lao aviation 1960–1975
Template:Country data Southern Rhodesia
Template:Country data Rhodesia and Nyasaland
Template:Country data Rhodesia
Template:Country data Zimbabwe Rhodesia
File:Roundel of Rhodesia (1970–1980).svg Rhodesian Air Force 1970–1979

Royal Rhodesian Air Force

File:Roundel of Rhodesia (1964–1970).svg 1963–1970

Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland Air Force

File:Roundel of Rhodesia (1953–1963).svg 1954–1963

Southern Rhodesian Air Force

File:Roundel of Rhodesia (1947–1953).svg 1939–1954

Rhodesian Regiment Air Unit

File:RAF roundel.svg 1935–1939
Template:Country data SenegalTemplate:Country data Gambia Senegambia Confederation File:Roundel of Senegal.svg Senegambia Air Force
Armée de l'Air du Sénégambia
Template:Country data Republika Srpska
File:Republika Srpska roundel.svg Republika Srpska Air Force 1992–2006
File:State Flag of Serbian Krajina (1991).svg Republic of Serbian Krajina File:Roundel of the 105th Aviation Brigade.svg 105th Aviation Brigade
Army of the Republic of Serb Krajina
File:Flag of Thailand 1855.svg [[Thailand|]] [[Thailand|]] Rattanakosin Kingdom of Siam File:Roundel of Thailand.svg Royal Siamese Air Division 1921–1935

Siamese Army Aviation Division

File:Roundel of Thailand.svg 1917–1921

Siamese Army Aviation Unit

File:Flag of Thailand 1855.svg 1914–1917
File:Flag of South Africa (1928–1982).svg [[South Africa|]] South West Africa File:Transparent.png South West Africa Territorial Force, Air Wing 1980–1989
Template:Country data South Vietnam State of Vietnam /
Template:Country data South Vietnam
File:Vietnam Air Force (south) roundel.svg Republic of Vietnam Air Force
Không lực Việt Nam Cộng hoà

Vietnam National Army, Air Force

File:Roundel of South Vietnam (1951-1956).svg 1951–1955
Template:Country data South Arabia Federation of South Arabia /
Template:Country data South Yemen
File:Roundel of South Yemen (1969–1980).svg Air Force of the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen 1967-1990

Federation of South Arabia Air Force

File:South Arabian Air Force Roundel.svg 1967
Template:Country data Swaziland File:Flag of Eswatini.svg Umbutfo Swaziland Defence Force Air Wing 1979-2018
 [[Russia|]] Russian Empire
 [[Russia|]] Russian Provisional Government
 [[Russia|]] Russian Republic
Template:Country data Russian SFSR
 Soviet Union
File:Roundel of the Soviet Union (1945–1991).svg Soviet Strategic Rocket Forces 1959-1991
File:Roundel of the Soviet Union (1945–1991).svg Soviet Air Forces[72]
Военно-воздушные силы


File:Roundel of the Soviet Union (1945–1991).svg 1943–1992[73]

Soviet Volunteer Group

File:National Emblem of the Republic of China.svg 1937–1941

Imperial Russian Air Service

File:Imperial Russian Aviation Roundel.svg 1910–1917
File:Roundel of the Soviet Union (1945–1991).svg Soviet Air Defence Forces 1948–1991
File:Roundel of the Soviet Union (1945–1991).svg Soviet Naval Aviation 1918–1991
File:USSR Star.png Sovet Border Troops Aviation -1992
 [[Russia|]] Russian State (1918-1920)
 [[Russia|]] South Russia (1919-1920)
File:Transparent.png White Army Air Unites
Template:Country data Tamil Eelam File:Transparent.png Air Tigers
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam
Template:Country data Transkei File:Transparent.png Transkei Defence Force, Air Wing 1986–1994
Template:Country data United Arab Republic File:Roundel of Syria.svg United Arab Republic Air Force 1958–1961

Egyptian Air Force

File:Royal Egyptian Air Force roundel.svg 1952–1958

Syrian Air Force

File:Roundel of Syria (1948–1958; 1961–1963).svg 1948–1958
Template:Country data Upper Volta File:Roundel of Burkina Faso (1964–1984).svg Upper Volta Air Force
Force Aérienne de Haute-Volta
Template:Country data Venda File:Venda Defence Force roundel.svg Venda Defence Force 1983–1994
 [[France|]] Vichy France File:Roundel of the French Air Force before 1945.svg Vichy French Air Force 1940–1942
 West Germany File:Roundel of the German Air Force (with Border).svg German Air Force
File:Roundel of the German Air Force (with Border).svg German Naval Aviation
File:Roundel of the German Air Force (with Border).svg German Army Aviation Corps
File:Transparent.png Federal Border Guards
 [[Ukraine|]] West Ukrainian People's Republic File:Transparent.png Ukrainian Galician Army Aviation 1918-1919
Template:Country data Ukrainian People's Republic File:Ukrainian Air Force roundel 1918 variant.svg Ukrainian People's Republic Air Fleet 1917-1921
Template:Country data Kingdom of Serbia /
Template:Country data Kingdom of Yugoslavia State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs /
Template:Country data Kingdom of Yugoslavia /
Yugoslav government-in-exile /
Template:Country data Democratic Federal Yugoslavia /
Template:Country data SFR Yugoslavia /
Template:Country data FR Yugoslavia /
Template:Country data Serbia and Montenegro
File:Roundel of Yugoslavia 1992-2003.svg Air Force of Serbia and Montenegro
Ратно ваздухопловство и противваздушна одбрана Војске Србије и Црне Горе
Ratno vazduhoplovstvo i protivvazdushna odbrana Vojske Srbije i Crne Gore

FR Yugoslavia Air Force
Ратно ваздухопловство и противваздушна одбрана Војске Југославије
Ratno vazduhoplovstvo i protivvazdušna odbrana Vojske Jugoslavije

File:Roundel of Yugoslavia 1992-2003.svg 1992–2003

SFR Yugoslav Air Force[74]
Југословенско Ратно Ваздухопловство и Противваздушна Одбрана
Jugoslovensko Ratno Vazduhoplovstvo i Protivvazdušna Odbrana

File:Roundel of SFR Yugoslavia Air Force.svg 1945–1991

Yugoslav Air Force Outside the Homeland

File:Roundel of the Royal Yugoslav Air Force.svg 1941–1945

Yugoslav Partisans Air Force

File:Transparent.png 1941-1945

Royal Yugoslav Air Force
Ваздухопловство војске Краљевине Југославије
Vazduhoplovstvo vojske Kraljevine Jugoslavije

File:Roundel of the Royal Yugoslav Air Force 1929.svg 1929–1941

Yugoslav Royal Army Aviation Department
Авиацијско Одељење Југословенске Краљевске Армије
Aviacijsko Odeljenje Jugoslovenske Kraljevske Armije

File:Roundel of the Royal Yugoslav Air Force 1923.svg 1918–1929

Serbian Military Air Service

File:Roundel of the Serbian Air Force 1912.svg 1912–1918
File:Roundel of the Royal Yugoslav Air Force 1929.svg Royal Yugoslav Navy, Naval Air Service -1941
Template:Country data Independent State of Croatia File:Roundel of the Croatian Air Force 1941.svg Air Force of the Independent State of Croatia 1941–1945

Croatian Air Force Legion

File:Croatian roundel WW2.svg 1941–1945
Template:Country data Zaire
Template:Country data CODTemplate:Country data CODTemplate:Country data CODRepublic of the Congo (Léopoldville)
Template:Country data Belgian Congo
File:Zaire Air Force Roundel.svg Zaire Air Force
Force Aerienne Zairoies

Congolese Air Force
Force Aeriennes Congolaises

File:Roundel of Congolese Air Force(1964-72).svg 1960–1971

former insignia

File:Republic of the Congo (Léopoldville) (1960–1964).svg 1960–1964

Force Publique Air Arm

File:Roundel of Belgium.svg 1944–1960
Template:Country data Katanga File:Roundel of the Kantangan Air Force.svg Katangese Air Force
Force Aerienne Katangaise


Country Current Service
Indigenous name
Former Established
Template:Country data Abkhazia File:Roundel of Abkhazia - Type 1.svg Abkhazian Air Force 2008

former insignia

File:Roundel of Abkhazia - Type 3.svg 1992–
Template:Country data British Hong Kong

Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force

File:RAF roundel.svg 1951-1993

Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force
Royal Air Force

File:RAF roundel.svg 1949-1951

Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Corps – Air Arm
Royal Air Force

File:RAF roundel.svg 1930-1949
Template:Country data Republic of Artsakh
File:Transparent.png Artsakh Defense Army aviation 1990s-2023
Template:Country data South Ossetia File:Transparent.png South Ossetian Air Corps 1990s
Template:Country data Sovereign Military Order of Malta File:Roundel of SMOM.svg Military Corps of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta 1947-1950
Template:Country data Transnistria File:Roundel of Transnistria.svg Transnistrian Air Force 1991
Template:Country data Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus File:Roundel of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.svg Security Forces Command 1974

See also


  1. Leese, Capt. Robert. "Afghan National Army Air Corps now Afghan National Army Air Force". US Air Force, 14 June 2010. Archived 22 July 2011 at the Wayback Machine
  2. Operations resumed in 2002, but the new name may not have been applied until the after the 2003 defense reforms were promulgated.
  3. Little is known about the Taliban regime's air force establishment.
  4. The pro-Soviet regime collapsed in late April 1992 and was succeeded by the UN-sponsored government, the "Islamic State of Afghanistan", led by Burhanuddin Rabbani until overthrown by the Taliban in September 1996.
  5. Official establishment occurred in 1924, but the AMAA received its first aircraft in 1921 (aside from some captured in 1919).
  6. As in most cases, Argentina's air arms began as an Army formation. Following a period of service unification, the Army Aviation Command was reformed on 27 November 1956, but did not gain independence from the Air Force until 3 November 1959.
  7. Date first aircraft obtained; the Barbados Defence Force itself was established in 1979.
  8. The indicated roundel was introduced in 1937 – according to Иван Бориславов и Румен Кирилов, "Самолетите на България", част втора, София, 1996, стр. 246–253 (in Bulgarian; in English: Ivan Borislavov and Rumen Kirilov, "The Airplanes of Bulgaria", part two, Sofia, 1996, pages 246–253).
  9. The indicated version of the German Cross was slightly modified and introduced in 1915 as most widespread Bulgarian aviation sign during the First World War along with the less employed St. Andrew's Cross – according to Иван Бориславов и Румен Кирилов, "Самолетите на България", част втора, София, 1996, стр. 246–253 (in Bulgarian; in English: Ivan Borislavov and Rumen Kirilov, "The Airplanes of Bulgaria", part two, Sofia, 1996, pages 246–253).
  10. Initially operated balloons. In 1912 Bulgaria received its first airplane Bleriot XXI, with which on 13 August 1912 Simeon Petrov flew to become the first Bulgarian to pilot an airplane over Bulgaria.
  11. The KPAF's name was changed to "Cambodian People's Air Force" in 1989, following the restoration of the nation's former name of Cambodia. In 1992, the PKAF was briefly resurrected as the "State of Cambodia Air Force", but it never actually became operational under that title.
  12. The Vietnamese invasion of 1979 resulted in the forcible disbandment of the AFKLA; formation of a successor force did not begin until 1984.
  13. The Cape Verde Coast Guard received its first aircraft in November 1992; its actual date of formation is unknown at this time.
  14. When Chile's unified national air force was dissolved in 1953, the Army did not regain an air arm of its own. Disappointment with this outcome led to the founding of the Club Aéreo del Personal del Ejército (Army Personnel Aero Club) in 1959. Although never formally established as an air arm, it nevertheless served as an important and foundational predecessor to the modern CAEC.
  15. On 28 February 1930, the Red Army captured a Nationalist Chinese O2U-4 Corsair reconnaissance aircraft that had been forced to land due to having run out of fuel; given a red star and named after Lenin, it was later used against the Nationalist government. This may have been the first aircraft in the Red Army. Small numbers of captured aircraft were also used against the Japanese during World War II, but the first regular Communist Chinese air force would be organized as the Nanyuan Flying Group in 1949.
  16. Information on the organization of Chinese military aviation prior to 1925, when the Kuomintang began establishing its Aviation Bureaus around China, is very spotty as many records have been lost during the conflicts raging from 1931–1949 and the subsequent Cultural Revolution; in fact, during most of these earlier years, China fielded multiple air forces, most being the personal air arms of various warlords – some allied with the national government and some not. During World War II (which began for the Chinese with the Japanese invasion of Manchuria in 1931), the Japanese established a number of puppet governments, several of which were permitted to field small air forces.
  17. Although a formal aviation arm was not stood up until 1979, the ROC Army created an Aviation Section for each of its two corps and an Aviation Platoon for its General Headquarters in 1956.
  18. Full formal name is the Cuban Air Defense and Revolutionary Air Force (Defensa Anti-Aérea y Fuerza Aérea Revolucionaria).
  19. Established by Fidel Castro in 1958, but operations with a captured Aviación Naval aircraft began the previous year.
  20. Split off from the Cuban air force in 1934, but remerged in 1952 reorganization.
  21. 2011 placed under the Air Force as Squadron 723.
  22. 2003 placed under the air force as Squadron 724.
  23. In early 1948, Army aviation became an independent and separate service as the Dominican Military Aviation Corps (DMAC) El Cuerpo de Aviación Militar Dominicana (CAMD/AMD). The Army regained an air arm of its own in 2001.
  24. At the beginning of 1951, the Navy was authorized to establish its own aviation arm, but it was absorbed into the Air Force the following year. The Navy regained an air arm of its own in 2003.
  25. 25.0 25.1 From 1958–1961, the Egyptian and Syrian air forces were unified as the United Arab Republic Air Force
  26. The Ethiopian Air Force effectively ceased to exist in 1991, following the victory of the Eritrean People's Liberation Front (EPLF) in the civil war; it was reestablished in 1995.
  27. Also used the ordinary French roundel: File:Roundel of the French Air Force before 1945.svg with the Cross of Lorraine as a fin flash.
  28. Also used a variant of the ordinary French roundel with bars like the USAAF insignia: File:French WWII roundel with bars.png
  29. The national flag is used as a fin flash.
  30. The Gambia formed the nucleus of an air force in 2002 and sent personnel to the Ukraine for a four-year pilot training course. The Gambia bought its first aircraft, a single Su-25 from Georgia in the first half of 2003. However, by 2007, the government had yet to announce its air force's formal establishment.
  31. "Indian Air Force – Government of India". Archived from the original on 23 July 2010. Retrieved 5 February 2014.
  32. Flank roundel: File:ASDF.svg
  33. Conglomerate of the Aviazione della Regia Marina and Corpo Aeronautico Militare. Tailfin insignia (click to enlarge): File:CoA of the Regia Aeronautica.svg, flank roundel (click to enlarge): File:Roundel of Italy (1922–1940).svg
  34. Tailfin insignia (click to enlarge): File:CoA House of Savoy crowned.svg
  35. Tailfin insignia (click to enlarge): File:RA-emblem.png
  36. (in Italian) Baldassare Catalanotto, Hugo Pratt, In un cielo lontano : 70 anni di aeronautica militare. Lizard editore, 1993. ISBN 88-86456-01-8
  37. Patterned on the US Air Force.
  38. Also used the Imperial Japanese Navy's ensign: Naval Ensign of Japan.svg
  39. Edwards, Paul M. (2010). "Korean People's Air Force (KPAF)". Historical Dictionary of the Korean War (2nd ed.). Lanham: Scarecrow Press. p. 151. ISBN 978-0-8108-7461-9.
  40. The first ROKAF roundel was simply a red-blue Taegeuk, later, a roundel resembles that of the USAF was used until the 2000s (click to enlarge): File:ROKAF Roundel 1950s-2000s.svg
  41. For some time LPLAAF also used this roundel (clik to enlarge): File:Fin Flash of Laos.svg ( Archived 3 March 2012 at the Wayback Machine)
  42. Pathet Lao insurgents operated their own small air arm from 1960–1975; it became part of the LPLAAF.
  43. Following a failed attempt at a coup d'état, the Kong Le rebel faction also briefly operated a small air arm from 1960–1963, when it was re-incorporated into the RLAF.
  44. The Malawi Young Pioneers (MYP) was a paramilitary adjunct of the League of Malawi Youth activist organization of the ruling Malawi Congress Party (MCP). Established in 1963, the first militarily trained cadres appeared in 1964, and the MYP obtained aircraft beginning in 1970.
  45. Although founded in 1926, aircraft were not supplied until the following year.
  46. On the flanks are used also the national flag, it seems to be used also this roundel: File:Roundel of Moldova (fictional).svg
  47. The yellow variant of the soyombo roundel is also reported: File:Soyombo yellow.svg.
  48. There is also the alternate version: File:Roundel of the Royal Air Force of Oman.svg
  49. "Paraguayan Air Arms". Archived from the original on 8 May 2009.
  50. "Paraguay Naval Aviation". Archived from the original on 29 January 2008.
  51. "Anul 1893". RoAF (in Romanian).
  52. Cornel Năstase (2004). "Hansa Brandenburg W.29". Modelism 2004-02 (in Romanian). p. 6.
  53. A new tricolour star has been reported since 2007 on several planes and helicopters: Archived 13 March 2008 at the Wayback Machine: File:Roundel of Russia.svg
  54. The Serbian-Montenegrin union of Yugoslavia was dissolved in 2006 and the former nation's military assets were divided between them.
  55. 55.0 55.1 Montenegro voted to secede from the FRY in 2006 and the union with Serbia was dissolved, with FRY military assets being divided between the (now) two nations.
  56. After World War I, Serbia was united with other Balkan states into the Kingdom of Yugoslavia.
  57. Finflash (click to enlarge): File:Fintail1.jpg
  58. Some units customize their roundels, painting in white inside, their own symbol or motto.
  59. Merged with Swedish Air Force 2003
  60. Russia provided Tajikistan with several helicopters in 1993 and began to organize an indigenous air force by no later than 1994; however, most sources express doubts as to its operational effectiveness.
  61. "Japanese use of Type 45 Siamese Mauser?". 18 February 2010. Archived from the original on 14 August 2014. Retrieved 6 September 2013.
  62. Admin (10 March 2017). "Tonga Defence Services". Aeroflight. Aeroflight Publishing. Archived from the original on 13 September 2018. Retrieved 13 September 2018.
  63. Although some aircraft were obtained after independence in 1960 and further aircraft were supplied by France in 1963, the air force was not formally established until 1964.
  64. However, Tunisia's first aircraft were not obtained until 1960.
  65. Official date of integration of the several emirate air arms, but actual integration took many years.
  66. 66.0 66.1 RNAS and RFC merged to form RAF
  67. 67.0 67.1 Formerly part of the Royal Air Force.
  68. Also uses a low-visibility roundel: File:Roundel of the United States – Low Visibility – Type 1..svg
  69. Previous roundels as per US Navy
  70. "Aviación Militar Bolivariana – Paladín del Espacio Soberano". Archived from the original on 6 April 2007. Retrieved 10 November 2018.
  71. Andersson, Lennart (2004). "Wings Over the Desert: Aviation on the Arabian Peninsula Part One: Saudi Arabia". Air Enthusiast: 39–40.
  72. Until the fifties was in use the single bordered star, also painted on fuselage and rudder (click to enlarge)
  73. Red outline added to celebrate victory over Nazi Germany and is referred to as the Victory Star.
  74. Preceded by the Partizanska Eskadrila NOVJ and RAF squadrons 351 and 352 (the RAF Balkan Air Force, 1942–1945)

External links

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