
Template page


This template can take two parameters:

  1. optional parameter which will replace the default text "original text related to this article".
  2. optional parameter which will replace the OODA WIKI page name with another string, usually the page name on OODAWIKIsource.

{{OODAWIKIsourcehas|difference text|different [[page-name on OODAWIKIsource]] to that of the "page name on OODA WIKI"}}

If only one parameter is passed in then the text will be altered, but the OODAWIKIsource page name will default to that of the OODA WIKI article.


  • Simplest version (only 2nd parameter is used):
{{OODAWIKIsourcehas|2=[[s:Leaves of Grass/Book XVII|Leaves of Grass/Book XVII]]}}
  • Using both parameters:
{{OODAWIKIsourcehas|1=original text from ''Leaves of Grass''|2=[[s:Leaves of Grass/Book XVII|Book XVII]]}}
  • Using subsection on OODAWIKIsource:
{{OODAWIKIsourcehas|1=a poem from ''Leaves of Grass'', called ''To You''|2=[[s:Leaves of Grass/Book XVII#To You|To You]]}}
  • Using square brackets ("[" and "]"):
Note how either "["/"]" or "%5B"/"%5D" have to be used depending on whether it's part of the text or part of the link.
{{OODAWIKIsourcehas|1=a poem from ''Leaves of Grass'', called ''Year of Meteors [1859-60]''|2=[[s:Leaves of Grass/Book XVII#Year of Meteors %5B1859-60%5D|Year of Meteors [1859-60]]]}}


  • Do not use square brackets ("[" and "]") in the second parameter. Use "["/"]" or "%5B"/"%5D" instead (depending on whether it's part of the text or part of the link). See one of the examples.

See also

  • {{OODAWIKIsource}} for default text with optional page name parameter.