Axis–angle representation

Parameterization of a rotation into a unit vector and angle
File:Angle axis vector.svg
The angle <span class="texhtml " {{#if:θ and axis unit vector <span class="texhtml " {{#if:e define a rotation, concisely represented by the rotation vector <span class="texhtml " {{#if:θe.

In mathematics, the axis–angle representation parameterizes a rotation in a three-dimensional Euclidean space by two quantities: a unit vector <span class="texhtml " {{#if:e indicating the direction (geometry) of an axis of rotation, and an angle of rotation <span class="texhtml " {{#if:θ describing the magnitude and sense (e.g., clockwise) of the rotation about the axis. Only two numbers, not three, are needed to define the direction of a unit vector <span class="texhtml " {{#if:e rooted at the origin because the magnitude of <span class="texhtml " {{#if:e is constrained. For example, the elevation and azimuth angles of <span class="texhtml " {{#if:e suffice to locate it in any particular Cartesian coordinate frame.

By Rodrigues' rotation formula, the angle and axis determine a transformation that rotates three-dimensional vectors. The rotation occurs in the sense prescribed by the right-hand rule.

The rotation axis is sometimes called the Euler axis. The axis–angle representation is predicated on Euler's rotation theorem, which dictates that any rotation or sequence of rotations of a rigid body in a three-dimensional space is equivalent to a pure rotation about a single fixed axis.

It is one of many rotation formalisms in three dimensions.

Rotation vector

The axis–angle representation is equivalent to the more concise rotation vector, also called the Euler vector. In this case, both the rotation axis and the angle are represented by a vector codirectional with the rotation axis whose length is the rotation angle θ,

It is used for the exponential and logarithm maps involving this representation.

Many rotation vectors correspond to the same rotation. In particular, a rotation vector of length <span class="texhtml " {{#if:θ + 2πM, for any integer M, encodes exactly the same rotation as a rotation vector of length θ. Thus, there are at least a countable infinity of rotation vectors corresponding to any rotation. Furthermore, all rotations by <span class="texhtml " {{#if:2πM are the same as no rotation at all, so, for a given integer M, all rotation vectors of length <span class="texhtml " {{#if:2πM, in all directions, constitute a two-parameter uncountable infinity of rotation vectors encoding the same rotation as the zero vector. These facts must be taken into account when inverting the exponential map, that is, when finding a rotation vector that corresponds to a given rotation matrix. The exponential map is onto but not one-to-one.


Say you are standing on the ground and you pick the direction of gravity to be the negative <span class="texhtml " {{#if:z direction. Then if you turn to your left, you will rotate <span class="texhtml " {{#if:/2 radians (or -90°) about the <span class="texhtml " {{#if:-z axis. Viewing the axis-angle representation as an ordered pair, this would be

The above example can be represented as a rotation vector with a magnitude of <span class="texhtml " {{#if:π/2 pointing in the <span class="texhtml " {{#if:z direction,


The axis–angle representation is convenient when dealing with rigid body dynamics. It is useful to both characterize rotations, and also for converting between different representations of rigid body motion, such as homogeneous transformations[clarification needed] and twists.

When a rigid body rotates around a fixed axis, its axis–angle data are a constant rotation axis and the rotation angle continuously dependent on time.

Plugging the three eigenvalues 1 and <span class="texhtml " {{#if:e± and their associated three orthogonal axes in a Cartesian representation into Mercer's theorem is a convenient construction of the Cartesian representation of the Rotation Matrix in three dimensions.

Rotating a vector

Rodrigues' rotation formula, named after Olinde Rodrigues, is an efficient algorithm for rotating a Euclidean vector, given a rotation axis and an angle of rotation. In other words, Rodrigues' formula provides an algorithm to compute the exponential map from to <span class="texhtml " {{#if:SO(3) without computing the full matrix exponential.

If <span class="texhtml " {{#if:v is a vector in <span class="texhtml " {{#if:R3 and <span class="texhtml " {{#if:e is a unit vector rooted at the origin describing an axis of rotation about which <span class="texhtml " {{#if:v is rotated by an angle θ, Rodrigues' rotation formula to obtain the rotated vector is

For the rotation of a single vector it may be more efficient than converting <span class="texhtml " {{#if:e and θ into a rotation matrix to rotate the vector.

Relationship to other representations

There are several ways to represent a rotation. It is useful to understand how different representations relate to one another, and how to convert between them. Here the unit vector is denoted ω instead of <span class="texhtml " {{#if:e.

Exponential map from 𝔰𝔬(3) to SO(3)

The exponential map effects a transformation from the axis-angle representation of rotations to rotation matrices,

Essentially, by using a Taylor expansion one derives a closed-form relation between these two representations. Given a unit vector representing the unit rotation axis, and an angle, <span class="texhtml " {{#if:θR, an equivalent rotation matrix R is given as follows, where <span class="texhtml " {{#if:K is the cross product matrix of ω, that is, <span class="texhtml " {{#if:Kv = ω × v for all vectors <span class="texhtml " {{#if:vR3,

Because <span class="texhtml " {{#if:K is skew-symmetric, and the sum of the squares of its above-diagonal entries is 1, the characteristic polynomial <span class="texhtml " {{#if:P(t) of <span class="texhtml " {{#if:K is <span class="texhtml " {{#if:P(t) = det(KtI) = −(t3 + t). Since, by the Cayley–Hamilton theorem, <span class="texhtml " {{#if:P(K) = 0, this implies that

As a result, <span class="texhtml " {{#if:K4 = –K2, <span class="texhtml " {{#if:K5 = K, <span class="texhtml " {{#if:K6 = K2, <span class="texhtml " {{#if:K7 = –K.

This cyclic pattern continues indefinitely, and so all higher powers of <span class="texhtml " {{#if:K can be expressed in terms of <span class="texhtml " {{#if:K and <span class="texhtml " {{#if:K2. Thus, from the above equation, it follows that

that is,

by the Taylor series formula for trigonometric functions.

This is a Lie-algebraic derivation, in contrast to the geometric one in the article Rodrigues' rotation formula.[1]

Due to the existence of the above-mentioned exponential map, the unit vector ω representing the rotation axis, and the angle <span class="texhtml " {{#if:θ are sometimes called the exponential coordinates of the rotation matrix R.

Log map from SO(3) to 𝔰𝔬(3)

Let <span class="texhtml " {{#if:K continue to denote the 3 × 3 matrix that effects the cross product with the rotation axis ω: <span class="texhtml " {{#if:K(v) = ω × v for all vectors <span class="texhtml " {{#if:v in what follows.

To retrieve the axis–angle representation of a rotation matrix, calculate the angle of rotation from the trace of the rotation matrix

and then use that to find the normalized axis,

where is the component of the rotation matrix, , in the -th row and -th column.

Note that the axis-angle representation is not unique since a rotation of about is the same as a rotation of about .

The above calculation of axis vector does not work if R is symmetric. For the general case the may be found using null space of R-I, see Rotation matrix#Determining_the_axis.

The matrix logarithm of the rotation matrix R is

An exception occurs when <span class="texhtml " {{#if:R has eigenvalues equal to Template:Num. In this case, the log is not unique. However, even in the case where <span class="texhtml " {{#if:θ = π the Frobenius norm of the log is

Given rotation matrices A and B,
is the geodesic distance on the 3D manifold of rotation matrices.

For small rotations, the above computation of θ may be numerically imprecise as the derivative of arccos goes to infinity as <span class="texhtml " {{#if:θ → 0. In that case, the off-axis terms will actually provide better information about θ since, for small angles, <span class="texhtml " {{#if:RI + θK. (This is because these are the first two terms of the Taylor series for <span class="texhtml " {{#if:exp(θK).)

This formulation also has numerical problems at <span class="texhtml " {{#if:θ = π, where the off-axis terms do not give information about the rotation axis (which is still defined up to a sign ambiguity). In that case, we must reconsider the above formula.

At <span class="texhtml " {{#if:θ = π, we have
and so let
so the diagonal terms of <span class="texhtml " {{#if:B are the squares of the elements of ω and the signs (up to sign ambiguity) can be determined from the signs of the off-axis terms of B.

Unit quaternions

the following expression transforms axis–angle coordinates to versors (unit quaternions):

Given a versor <span class="texhtml " {{#if:q = s + x represented with its scalar s and vector <span class="texhtml " {{#if:x, the axis–angle coordinates can be extracted using the following:

A more numerically stable expression of the rotation angle uses the atan2 function:

where <span class="texhtml " {{#if:|x| is the Euclidean norm of the 3-vector <span class="texhtml " {{#if:x.

See also


  1. This holds for the triplet representation of the rotation group, i.e., spin 1. For higher dimensional representations/spins, see Curtright, T. L.; Fairlie, D. B.; Zachos, C. K. (2014). "A compact formula for rotations as spin matrix polynomials". SIGMA. 10: 084. arXiv:1402.3541. Bibcode:2014SIGMA..10..084C. doi:10.3842/SIGMA.2014.084. S2CID 18776942.