OODA WIKI:List of infoboxes

Infobox templates in English OODA WIKI

This is a list of all pages in the 'Infobox' pseudo-namespace, excluding subpages. Redirected, and deleted templates should be removed from this list. Deprecated templates should be marked as such. 'Holding cell' next to a template's name indicates that the template is currently being deleted or merged, so no new instances should be created. Nesting indicates a wrapper infobox. Templates with over 10,000 transclusions are in boldface. Infoboxes for sport biographies are listed under sportsperson. Sport awards are in the awards section.

See OODA WIKI:Infobox consolidation for why we sometimes merge infoboxes.

OODA WIKI:List of infoboxes/Arts and culture OODA WIKI:List of infoboxes/Health and fitness OODA WIKI:List of infoboxes/History and events OODA WIKI:List of infoboxes/Mathematics and abstraction


Base template

Religious person

Royalty and nobility


American football person

Association football person

Baseball person

Basketball person

Ice hockey person

Motorsports person

Other sportsperson

Other person


Non-physical place

To be used on article about a specific place created by at least one declaration. A material boundary is not a pre-condition for the boundary of the declared place, but can be used for that purpose, e.g. a river declared to be the boundary between countries.

<graph>{"legends":[{"properties":{"legend":{"y":{"value":-60}},"title":{"fill":{"value":"#54595d"}},"labels":{"fill":{"value":"#54595d"}}},"stroke":"color","title":"","fill":"color"}],"scales":[{"domain":{"data":"chart","field":"x"},"type":"ordinal","name":"color","range":["#060","#00f","#f00","#ff0","#fff"]}],"version":2,"marks":[{"type":"arc","properties":{"hover":{"fill":{"value":"red"}},"update":{"fill":{"scale":"color","field":"x"}},"enter":{"endAngle":{"field":"layout_end"},"innerRadius":{"value":0},"outerRadius":{"value":60},"startAngle":{"field":"layout_start"},"stroke":{"value":"white"},"fill":{"scale":"color","field":"x"},"strokeWidth":{"value":1}}},"from":{"data":"chart","transform":[{"type":"pie","field":"y"}]}}],"height":60,"axes":[],"data":[{"format":{"parse":{"y":"integer","x":"string"},"type":"json"},"name":"chart","values":[{"y":420109,"x":"IB settlement direct : 420138 / 76.81 %"},{"y":81238,"x":"IB settlement wrapper : 81290 / 14.86 %"},{"y":40689,"x":"IB country-specific : 40689 / 7.44 %"},{"y":4849,"x":"IB country 4849 / 0.89 %"}]}],"width":60}</graph>
546937 transclusions in this chart.

Not country-specific


This image might need some modifications and may not be updated as per the current List of Place Infoboxes

  • green : Infobox settlement (only)
  • turquoise: 1 Infobox settlement wrapper and optionally Infobox settlement (light 0–99, medium 100–999, dark 1,000–9,999, and very dark 10,000+ transclusions)
  • blue : >1 Infobox settlement wrapper and optionally Infobox settlement (medium: 2 wrappers, dark: 3+ wrappers)
  • red : other infobox(es) (light: 1, medium: 2, dark: more than 2 infoboxes) and optionally Infobox settlement and wrappers

Data source: OODA WIKI:List of infoboxes/Place#Place

The following country-specific are grouped into two lists, depending on whether they use Infobox settlement. Within the lists they are grouped by country and sorted by English name of the country.

Notes regarding the template specific statements:

  1. Type: Those being used for different types are marked with a preceding *, see their documentation for which type of place they are to be used. Most show this by their name, using "place", but some not (e.g. Israel village = type is not village, Romanian subdivision = type is not subdivision)
  2. Transclusion count: Can include transclusion outside the article name space
  3. Protection: In the list below "template"-protection is mostly only applied to wrappers with 2,500+ transclusions.

Related to non-physical place

Not to be used on an article about a specific place, but on lists, events [census], etc., or on an article about a sub-topic related to a place.


Physical place

Natural places


Entertainment venues and structures

Historic sites and structures

Other buildings and structures

OODA WIKI:List of infoboxes/Religion and belief OODA WIKI:List of infoboxes/Science and nature OODA WIKI:List of infoboxes/Society and social science OODA WIKI:List of infoboxes/Technology and applied science



The infoboxes in this section work by shimming the parameters into those used by another infobox, typically to translate all parameters when the template is copied from a OODA WIKI in another language. These templates should always be substituted, and their transclusion count should always be zero.

To ensure that this happens, include {{substituted|auto=yes}} in their documentation. See also Category:Infobox importer templates

Parent templates

These are used to make other infoboxes:

Internal use

These should not appear in article space:

Not infoboxes


Despite their names, these are not infoboxes, but are used in infoboxes:


Templates for cleanup related to infoboxes:


Templates used in infobox documentation


This section lists infoboxes which are not parameterised and thus not reusable. Typically, this is done where an infobox is too large, or if it needs to be duplicated over a number of pages.


Templates in this section, if any, should be moved to the appropriate section whenever possible.

See also

External links