Summary of the Art of War (Index)


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Sketch of the Principal Maritime Expeditions. -- Definitions


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Mendell and Craighill Translation[1]


Abercrombie's descent on Egypt, 384.

Accidental lines, 103.

Action, concert of, how secured, 259.

Active armies and sieges, relation between, 152.

Advanced guard, 261, 262.

attack of the enemy's, in retreats, 243.

in armies meeting unexpectedly, 208.

in battle, 288, 289.

Advance, line of, how determined, 71.

Advantages of awaiting invasion, 17.

of elevated points for observation, 276.

Aggressive wars for conquest, 22.

Agincourt, order of battle at, 192.

Albis, position of, 181.

Alcazar, battle of, 378.

Alexander the Great, 173, 362.

Alfred the Great, 369.

Algiers, French descent on, in 1830>, 386.

Spanish descent on, 382.

Alise, investment of, by Cæsar, 153.

Allies, at Bautzen, 187.

defeat of, at Zurich, 112.

error of, in 1793, 107, 108.

failure of diversion of, in 1805, 219.

in war, 18.

march of, upon Leipsic, 123.

Alps, passage of, by Francis I., 168.

American Revolution, French maritime efforts during, 383.

Anglo-Russian expedition to Holland, 384.

Angoulême, Duke of, expedition of, 28.

Antony, retreat of, from Media, 233.

Antwerp, English expedition to, 385.

Archduke Charles, 294.

concentric retreat of, in 1796, 238.

interior lines of, 136.

opinion of, as to small-column formation, 350.

opinion of, as to the valley of the Danube, 162.

success of, 110, 111.

Archduke Ferdinand, 53.

Armada, Spanish, 249, 378, 379.

Armament, French, at Eylau and Marengo, 47.

superior, importance of, 47, 48.

Armies, auxiliary, 170.

central, observations on, 126.

command of, 52.

French, in the Revolution, 135.

how to act, 75.

in intrenchments, 154.

in peace, how preserved, 47.

large, fitness of central lines for, 125.

large, organization of, 286.

meeting unexpectedly, advanced guard in, 208.

morale of, 60, 178, 322.

movements of, points to be attended to in, 254-256.

of French Revolution, how subsisted, 142.

of Louis XIV. and Frederick II., how subsisted, 142.

of Napoleon, operations of, 136.

promotions in, 47.

standing, effect of, on distant invasions, 171.

surprises of, 209.

two, on interior lines, 117.

two, on the same frontier, 116.

unexpected meeting of two, 207.

Armor, defensive, for cavalry, 308.

Arms and organization of cavalry, 307, 308.

Arms for irregular cavalry, 313.

Army, best means of organizing the command of, 59.

Army corps, system of, 279.

Army, defensive, proper course for, 324.

defensive, when it has the advantage, 202.

head-quarters of, when the most important point, 107.

how perfected, 43.

importance of a good, 44.

number of men in, often determines battle-formation for, 285.

Army of Boulogne, 280.

[Pg 392]of four corps, 281.

of seven corps, 281.

offensive, proper course for, 324.

of invasion, line of defense important to, 99.

of the Rhine in 1800, 115.

permanent, necessary condition of, 49.

proportion of cavalry in, 304.

pursuing, has the advantage, 241.

Artillerists, directions for, in battle, 317.

Artillery, concentration of fire of,

in offensive line of battle, 290.

employment of, 315-318.

heavy, in defensive line of battle, 290.

importance of, to infantry, 290.

matériel of the French army in the Crimea, 388.

Napoleon's, at Wagrani, 289, 316.

post of, in line of battle, 289.

proportion of, 318.

protection of infantry from the enemy's, 303.

rules for use of, in battle, 316-318.

use of, in the offensive, 316.

who should command, 318.

Art of war, definition of, 13.

principal parts of, 66.

Assailant, advantages of, 186.

Assailant's best means of victory, 202.

Assault, beat formation of infantry for, 298.

of field-works, instances of well-arranged, 212.

Athens, naval power of, 361.

Attack, cavalry column of, 310.

close, formation for, 301.

column of, in two lines, 292.

columns of, 293, 356.

columns of, of single battalions, 298.

five methods of forming troops for, 292.

formation for, at Turin, 213.

in columns, order of, 194.

in front, 201.

in rear, 207.

of field-works, directions for, 211, 212.

of fortified places, 210.

of intrenched lines, 214.

on flank, 203.

on Sank, cavalry, 310.

when order in squares suitable for, 297.

Attacks and marches, arrangements of, 258.

in half-deep order, 302.

Audenarde, battle of, 53.

Augustus, armament of, 365.

Aulic Council, 59.

Austerlitz, 170, 179, 206.

Napoleon's order of battle at, 198.

Austria, course of, in the French Revolution, 106.

force of, in the French Revolution, 106.

fortresses of, 149.

interest of, in the French Revolution, 105.

intervention of, in 1813, 21.

Austrian army, situation of, in 1800, 112.

camp before Mayence, 157.

order at Essling and Fleurus, 200.

Austrians, surprise of, by Turenne, 246.

why victorious in 1753, 107.

Austria's adaptation to parallel retreats, 240.

Authority of counselors, 53.
