Aerial Attack Study (Part 1)


Part I - Fighter vs Bomber

Basic Limitations of the Disturbed Sight and 20 mm Cannon

Basic Limitations of the AIM-9B Missile against a Non-Maneuvering Target

Mechanics of the Pursuit Curve

Limitations of Our Weapons System in a Pursuit Curve Attack

  • The AIM-9B Missile

Types of Pursuit Curve Attack

  • The High-side Attack
  • The Overhead Attack
  • Underside Attack
  • Nose-quarter Attack

The Best Type of Attack against a Non-Maneuvering Target with AIM-9B

  • Overhead Attack
  • High side Attack
  • Six-O’Clock Attack
  • Underside Attack

Best Type of Attack against a Non-maneuvering Target with the 20 mm Cannon

Maneuvering for the Attack

Flight Tactics

Summary – Fighter vs Bomber