A Handbook for the Suppression of Communist Guerrilla/Terrorist Operations (Chapter II)

A Handbook for the Suppression of Communist Guerrilla/Terrorist Operations
Counter Insurgency Operations.jpg
AuthorDepartment of the Army
CountryUnited States of America
Publication date
TextA Handbook for the Suppression of Communist Guerrilla/Terrorist Operations online
Digital Identifier (JFK Library): JFKPOF-080-014


a. The vast majority of the population in any given target area is initially non-responsible and apathetic to either the aims of the indigenous government and what it stands for or the advocates of the Red Revolution.

b. Although harboring the traditional distrust of government inherent to the area and dissatisfaction with the social and economic conditions prevalent to the majority, the population has no inclination to revolt. The general desire of the public is to be left to earn its bread and conduct its normal affairs.

c. The active advocates of Revolutionary warfare constitute a very small but capable and active segment of the population. It is estimated that less than 10% of the total of any population has actively participated in or supported the initial efforts of the Communists in Revolutionary Warfare.

d. The forces of government and its adherents by choice, necessity or self-interest generally represent less than 20% of the total population. Among these are government officials, civil service, professional military and police establishments, leading politicians, the wealthy and landed class, and the management of industry, commerce banking and mercantile interests.

e. The uncommitted element of the population (70%) remain to be swayed, persuaded or forced by the Reds into active or tacit support of their campaign.

f. The communists have achieved power in all instances with the active support of less than 20% of the population in the country concerned, with only 1-2% bearing arms.  

Table of contents

Chapter I -- Chapter III