Patterns of Conflict Slide 1


Patterns of Conflict

Patterns of Conflict First Slide


One think I'm going to point out, that [Inaudible] pointed out, that was very important point. This is not called Patterns of War. [Inaudible] One other thing before I get into the presentation, I would like to point out that first of all, there's a whole unique, large historical aspect of large historical content here. It's not that I wanted to look at the military per say, or for a strict setting. I wanted to use it for conflict in that environment, very sharp, and bring us [Inaudible]. A couple other comments I wanted to make. Now, you already noticed my title, the other comment I could make is this isn’t an A recipe or a formula for the way to think about conflict. It is A way to think about conflict. I can’t emphasis that enough. I want to [Inaudible] wide a repertoire as you can [Inaudible].The other point is, if I look my way to the presentation, you'll notice that I might discuss some aspect or some phenomena in a certain way. And later on, I'll discuss very similar phenomena, but in a very different way. Let me illustrate what I'm getting at. Let’s assume that we in this room went through all our life and we saw a [Inaudible] before the sun. [Inaudible]. Now, let's take another groups and let’s assume the saw [Inaudible] example. [Inaudible]. Then let's say this group interacted with the other group, and both think the other group is crazy. [Inaudible] they think its a triangle, excuse me, rectangle, [Inaudible]. With the EID you want to see the top, side, or blank angles, and inside, then you'll get a rich view of what we're getting. You can [Inaudible] oversimplistic example, in some ways you’ll see [Inaudible], so you don't come up with what I call a so-called [Inaudible] intended solution. [Inaudible]. I think that university system, our intellectual system, in some ways, has done a disservice to us by always talking about the so-called [Inaudible] solution. Really turns me off when I read a book and I see [Inaudible] solution. [Inaudible]. Then you turn around a year later and see the [Inaudible] solution didn’t work. If it didn’t work [Inaudible]. I think all you really want is something that’s workable, can use, under the circumstances. I think one more comment, before I go into the guided presentation. You'll also notice as we work our way through the guided presentation, I'll be taking a hole and breaking it down into pieces. And then I’ll take bits and pieces and reconstruct the whole. And so what you'll see is we're working our way through the presentation [Inaudible] apart put them back together, take them apart, put them back together. A sequence, and then you’ll see the synthesis. Whereby we’re trying to get a richer, richer picture. We’re not only trying to understand what’s going on but we’re also trying to get [Inaudible]. So you can see [Inaudible]. With that, enough said, let's get into the presentation.