Patterns of Conflict Slide 183


Patterns of Conflict

Patterns of Conflict Slide 183


Quantico Transcription

In any case, maybe there’s an alternative possibility, way to think about this stuff. Not only that, I wouldn’t get too keen on some of these scientific principles, because they’re blowing a lot of them over right now. They’ve got stuff you know, the super— superconductors, you know. They had theories to explain that, and now they don’t explain it. They get turned over too, not as frequently, but they get turned over. Or maybe not the whole thing, but certain aspects of it.

But here’s an alternative, maybe we can come up with something that might help us. In other words, putting a— why not do this? If we need some guidance, then we evolve statements to reflect at least the conflict dynamics and some kind of a connected sense, where it plays together.

Or put it another way, why not collect appropriate bits and pieces and put them together in a coherent whole? In other words, let’s do an analysis and a synthesis and see what we’ve got.

Lightfoot Transcription