Patterns of Conflict Slide 124


Patterns of Conflict

Patterns of Conflict Slide 124


Quantico Transcription

And we begin to look at it, you begin to see something here. You work it backwards and begin to say, okay, presence of mistrust implies there’s a rupture or loosening of human bonds, so you have to build up harmony in a group in order to build up that trust. So that seems to be a counterweight. In dealing with uncertainty, you can't say we’re going to have certainty.

All you have to do is you have to be adaptable, that’s the only way you can deal with
uncertainty. You have to be adaptable, build adaptability and flexibility into the organization to deal with it. Life is inherently uncertain. Don't say, well, we're just going to have certainty. That’s bullshit. You’re not going to get it. You may think you are, but you aren’t.

And with respect to menace, the only way you can deal with that, you’re going to have to take the initiative. You can't sit there. So if you pull all that together, then we can reconstruct that previous chart, the essence, we’ll leave the left side the same, and we have the negative factors as well as their counterweights. That's a way of dealing with it.

Lightfoot Transcription